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Электронный каталог: Lukyanov, S. - Nucleon a nd Delute Cluster Transfer in the Reactions *6Li+*9Be
Lukyanov, S. - Nucleon a nd Delute Cluster Transfer in the Reactions *6Li+*9Be

Книга (аналит. описание)
Автор: Lukyanov, S.
The 5th International Workshop on State of the Art in Nuclear Cluster Physics (SOTANCP5), Hvar, Croatia, June 10-14, 2024 [Electronic resource]: Nucleon a nd Delute Cluster Transfer in the Reactions *6Li+*9Be
ISBN отсутствует
Автор: Lukyanov, S.
The 5th International Workshop on State of the Art in Nuclear Cluster Physics (SOTANCP5), Hvar, Croatia, June 10-14, 2024 [Electronic resource]: Nucleon a nd Delute Cluster Transfer in the Reactions *6Li+*9Be
ISBN отсутствует
Книга (аналит. описание)
Lukyanov, S.
Nucleon a nd Delute Cluster Transfer in the Reactions *6Li+*9Be / S.Lukyanov, A.Azhibekov, T.Issatayev, Yu.Penionzhkevich, K.Mendibayev, A.Shakhov, V.Maslov, [a.o.] // The 5th International Workshop on State of the Art in Nuclear Cluster Physics (SOTANCP5), Hvar, Croatia, June 10-14, 2024 [Electronic resource] / Ed.: M.Milin, T.Mijatoviс, I.Gasparic. – Les Ulis Cedex : EDP Sciences, 2024. – P. 00017. – URL: https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/202431100017. – Bibliogr.: 26.
The results of experiments on studying nucleon and cluster transfer processes in the reactions of the *6Li (68 MeV) ions with the *9Be target nuclei are presented. The angular distributions for the reaction channels *9Be(*6Li,α)*1*1Bg.s and *9Be(*6Li,10B)*5Heg.s. have been measured. To describe the possible contributions of sequential transfer of nucleons and alpha clusters, as well as direct transfer of the *5Не cluster, the DWBA method (FRESCO) is used, the spectroscopic amplitudes are obtained for the configurations of (*9Be+d) and (*6Li+*5He) in the *1*1B nucleus and (*6Li+α) in the* *1*0B nucleus. The results of the theoretical analysis agree with the experimental data and indicate a strong correlation between a neutron and an α-cluster, leading to the formation of the *5Не cluster in the transfer processes. – (EPJ Web of Conferences ; Vol. 311) .
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 343 е2 - Взаимодействие релятивистских ядер с ядрами
Lukyanov, S.
Nucleon a nd Delute Cluster Transfer in the Reactions *6Li+*9Be / S.Lukyanov, A.Azhibekov, T.Issatayev, Yu.Penionzhkevich, K.Mendibayev, A.Shakhov, V.Maslov, [a.o.] // The 5th International Workshop on State of the Art in Nuclear Cluster Physics (SOTANCP5), Hvar, Croatia, June 10-14, 2024 [Electronic resource] / Ed.: M.Milin, T.Mijatoviс, I.Gasparic. – Les Ulis Cedex : EDP Sciences, 2024. – P. 00017. – URL: https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/202431100017. – Bibliogr.: 26.
The results of experiments on studying nucleon and cluster transfer processes in the reactions of the *6Li (68 MeV) ions with the *9Be target nuclei are presented. The angular distributions for the reaction channels *9Be(*6Li,α)*1*1Bg.s and *9Be(*6Li,10B)*5Heg.s. have been measured. To describe the possible contributions of sequential transfer of nucleons and alpha clusters, as well as direct transfer of the *5Не cluster, the DWBA method (FRESCO) is used, the spectroscopic amplitudes are obtained for the configurations of (*9Be+d) and (*6Li+*5He) in the *1*1B nucleus and (*6Li+α) in the* *1*0B nucleus. The results of the theoretical analysis agree with the experimental data and indicate a strong correlation between a neutron and an α-cluster, leading to the formation of the *5Не cluster in the transfer processes. – (EPJ Web of Conferences ; Vol. 311) .
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 343 е2 - Взаимодействие релятивистских ядер с ядрами