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Электронный каталог: Gongadze, A. - Micromegas-Based Central Tracker for the SPD Experiment
Gongadze, A. - Micromegas-Based Central Tracker for the SPD Experiment

Автор: Gongadze, A.
Физика элементарных частиц и атомного ядра. Письма: Micromegas-Based Central Tracker for the SPD Experiment : Abstract
ISBN отсутствует
Автор: Gongadze, A.
Физика элементарных частиц и атомного ядра. Письма: Micromegas-Based Central Tracker for the SPD Experiment : Abstract
ISBN отсутствует
Gongadze, A.
Micromegas-Based Central Tracker for the SPD Experiment : Abstract / A.Gongadze, D.Dedovich, N.Koviazina, I.Liashko // Физика элементарных частиц и атомного ядра. Письма. – 2025. – Т. 22, № 1. – C. 27. – URL: http://www1.jinr.ru/Pepan_letters/panl_2025_1/06_Gongadze_ann.pdf.
SPD (Spin Physics Detector) is a universal experimental setup that is planned to be installed at the NICA collider under construction. In the first phase of the experiment, the vertex detector will not be used, which will lead to a significant degradation of the momentum resolution and reduce the efficiency of track recognition and secondary vertex reconstruction. To minimize this effect, we propose to supplement the main track system with a Micromegas-based detector located as close as possible to the beam interaction region.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 344.1и3 Микроструктурные газовые детекторы. Резистивные плоско-параллельные камеры
Gongadze, A.
Micromegas-Based Central Tracker for the SPD Experiment : Abstract / A.Gongadze, D.Dedovich, N.Koviazina, I.Liashko // Физика элементарных частиц и атомного ядра. Письма. – 2025. – Т. 22, № 1. – C. 27. – URL: http://www1.jinr.ru/Pepan_letters/panl_2025_1/06_Gongadze_ann.pdf.
SPD (Spin Physics Detector) is a universal experimental setup that is planned to be installed at the NICA collider under construction. In the first phase of the experiment, the vertex detector will not be used, which will lead to a significant degradation of the momentum resolution and reduce the efficiency of track recognition and secondary vertex reconstruction. To minimize this effect, we propose to supplement the main track system with a Micromegas-based detector located as close as possible to the beam interaction region.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 344.1и3 Микроструктурные газовые детекторы. Резистивные плоско-параллельные камеры