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Электронный каталог: Glazunova, E. V. - Features of Magnetic Structure and Properties of Ceramics (1-x)Pb(Fe&sub(1/2)Nb&sub(1/2))O&sub(3)...
Glazunova, E. V. - Features of Magnetic Structure and Properties of Ceramics (1-x)Pb(Fe&sub(1/2)Nb&sub(1/2))O&sub(3)...

Автор: Glazunova, E. V.
Ferroelectrics [Electronic resource]: Features of Magnetic Structure and Properties of Ceramics (1-x)Pb(Fe&sub(1/2)Nb&sub(1/2))O&sub(3)...
ISBN отсутствует
Автор: Glazunova, E. V.
Ferroelectrics [Electronic resource]: Features of Magnetic Structure and Properties of Ceramics (1-x)Pb(Fe&sub(1/2)Nb&sub(1/2))O&sub(3)...
ISBN отсутствует
Glazunova, E.V.
Features of Magnetic Structure and Properties of Ceramics (1-x)Pb(Fe&sub(1/2)Nb&sub(1/2))O&sub(3) -xPb(Fe&sub(2/3)W&sub(1/3))O&sub(3) / E.V.Glazunova, O.N.Lis, S.E.Kichanov, A.V.Rutkauskas, [a.o.] // Ferroelectrics [Electronic resource]. – 2024. – Vol. 618, No. 6 : International Conference "Material Science and Nanotechnology" (MSN-2023). Pt. II. – P. 1374-1382. – URL: https://doi.org/10.1080/00150193.2024.2305576. – Bibliogr.: 25.
We studied solid solutions of the system (1−x)PbFe&sub(1/2)Nb&sub(1/2)O&sub(3) - xPbFe&sub(2/3)W&sub(1/3)O&sub(3) using X-ray and Neuron diffraction, and Mössbauer spectroscopy. To obtain ceramics, we used the method of two-stage solid-phase synthesis and sintering according to the conventional ceramic technology. Pure solid solutions of the (1−x)PbFe&sub(1/2)Nb&sub(1/2)O&sub(3)-xPbFe&sub(2/3)W&sub(1/3)O&sub(3) system were obtained. A deviation of the unit cell parameters from the Vegard rule was revealed, which indicates stratification of the structure into microregions differing in composition. The introduction of PbFe&sub(2/3)W&sub(1/3)O&sub(3) into the system led to partial ordering (clustering) of cations in the B position. An increase in magnetic moment with growing amount of PbFe&sub(2/3)W&sub(1/3)O&sub(3) was shown.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 342 г1 - Замедление и диффузия нейтронов. Дифракция
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 332.8 - Синхротронное излучение. Лазеры на свободных электронах. Получение и использование рентгеновских лучей
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 350 - Приложения методов ядерной физики в смежных областях
Бюллетени = 10/025
Glazunova, E.V.
Features of Magnetic Structure and Properties of Ceramics (1-x)Pb(Fe&sub(1/2)Nb&sub(1/2))O&sub(3) -xPb(Fe&sub(2/3)W&sub(1/3))O&sub(3) / E.V.Glazunova, O.N.Lis, S.E.Kichanov, A.V.Rutkauskas, [a.o.] // Ferroelectrics [Electronic resource]. – 2024. – Vol. 618, No. 6 : International Conference "Material Science and Nanotechnology" (MSN-2023). Pt. II. – P. 1374-1382. – URL: https://doi.org/10.1080/00150193.2024.2305576. – Bibliogr.: 25.
We studied solid solutions of the system (1−x)PbFe&sub(1/2)Nb&sub(1/2)O&sub(3) - xPbFe&sub(2/3)W&sub(1/3)O&sub(3) using X-ray and Neuron diffraction, and Mössbauer spectroscopy. To obtain ceramics, we used the method of two-stage solid-phase synthesis and sintering according to the conventional ceramic technology. Pure solid solutions of the (1−x)PbFe&sub(1/2)Nb&sub(1/2)O&sub(3)-xPbFe&sub(2/3)W&sub(1/3)O&sub(3) system were obtained. A deviation of the unit cell parameters from the Vegard rule was revealed, which indicates stratification of the structure into microregions differing in composition. The introduction of PbFe&sub(2/3)W&sub(1/3)O&sub(3) into the system led to partial ordering (clustering) of cations in the B position. An increase in magnetic moment with growing amount of PbFe&sub(2/3)W&sub(1/3)O&sub(3) was shown.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 342 г1 - Замедление и диффузия нейтронов. Дифракция
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 332.8 - Синхротронное излучение. Лазеры на свободных электронах. Получение и использование рентгеновских лучей
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 350 - Приложения методов ядерной физики в смежных областях
Бюллетени = 10/025