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Электронный каталог: Hu, Y. - Cross Section Measurement for the *1*4N(n, *a&sub(0,1))*1*1B Reactions in the 4.5-11.5 MeV Neutro...
Hu, Y. - Cross Section Measurement for the *1*4N(n, *a&sub(0,1))*1*1B Reactions in the 4.5-11.5 MeV Neutro...

Автор: Hu, Y.
The European Physical Journal A [Electronic resource]: Cross Section Measurement for the *1*4N(n, *a&sub(0,1))*1*1B Reactions in the 4.5-11.5 MeV Neutro...
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Автор: Hu, Y.
The European Physical Journal A [Electronic resource]: Cross Section Measurement for the *1*4N(n, *a&sub(0,1))*1*1B Reactions in the 4.5-11.5 MeV Neutro...
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Hu, Y.
Cross Section Measurement for the *1*4N(n, *a&sub(0,1))*1*1B Reactions in the 4.5-11.5 MeV Neutron Energy Region / Y.Hu, Yu.M.Gledenov, E.Sansarbayar, L.Krupa, I.Chuprakov, [a.o.] // The European Physical Journal A [Electronic resource]. – 2024. – Vol. 60, No. 3. – P. 51. – URL: https://doi.org/10.1140/epja/s10050-024-01268-9. – Bibliogr.: 46.
With more accurate measurement method for gas samples, cross sections of the *1*4N(n, *a&sub(0,1))*1*1B reactions were measured at 24 energy points in the 4.5–11.5 MeV neutron energy region based on the 4.5 MV Van de Graaff accelerator at Peking University and the HI-13 tandem accelerator of China Institute of Atomic Energy (CIAE). The average neutron fluence (Φ) through the gas sample was obtained through the combination of a highly enriched *2*3*8U&sub(3)O&sub(8) sample and the simulation based on SuperMC. The cross sections of the *1*4N(n, *a&sub(0,1))*1*1B reaction measured using the gas sample and the solid samples are in agreement with each other. R-matrix analysis was carried out for the n + *1*4N system using code RAC in the neutron energy region below 30 MeV. A possible valley structure in both the excitation functions of the *1*4N(n, *a&sub(0,1))*1*1B reactions in the 10–11 MeV neutron energy region was found for the first time.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 343 г2 - Взаимодействие быстрых нейтронов с ядрами
Бюллетени = 22/024
Hu, Y.
Cross Section Measurement for the *1*4N(n, *a&sub(0,1))*1*1B Reactions in the 4.5-11.5 MeV Neutron Energy Region / Y.Hu, Yu.M.Gledenov, E.Sansarbayar, L.Krupa, I.Chuprakov, [a.o.] // The European Physical Journal A [Electronic resource]. – 2024. – Vol. 60, No. 3. – P. 51. – URL: https://doi.org/10.1140/epja/s10050-024-01268-9. – Bibliogr.: 46.
With more accurate measurement method for gas samples, cross sections of the *1*4N(n, *a&sub(0,1))*1*1B reactions were measured at 24 energy points in the 4.5–11.5 MeV neutron energy region based on the 4.5 MV Van de Graaff accelerator at Peking University and the HI-13 tandem accelerator of China Institute of Atomic Energy (CIAE). The average neutron fluence (Φ) through the gas sample was obtained through the combination of a highly enriched *2*3*8U&sub(3)O&sub(8) sample and the simulation based on SuperMC. The cross sections of the *1*4N(n, *a&sub(0,1))*1*1B reaction measured using the gas sample and the solid samples are in agreement with each other. R-matrix analysis was carried out for the n + *1*4N system using code RAC in the neutron energy region below 30 MeV. A possible valley structure in both the excitation functions of the *1*4N(n, *a&sub(0,1))*1*1B reactions in the 10–11 MeV neutron energy region was found for the first time.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 343 г2 - Взаимодействие быстрых нейтронов с ядрами
Бюллетени = 22/024