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Электронный каталог: Acharya, S. - Charm Production and Fragmentation Fractions at Midrapidity in pp Collisions at *%s=13 TeV
Acharya, S. - Charm Production and Fragmentation Fractions at Midrapidity in pp Collisions at *%s=13 TeV

Автор: Acharya, S.
Journal of High Energy Physics [Electronic resource]: Charm Production and Fragmentation Fractions at Midrapidity in pp Collisions at *%s=13 TeV
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Автор: Acharya, S.
Journal of High Energy Physics [Electronic resource]: Charm Production and Fragmentation Fractions at Midrapidity in pp Collisions at *%s=13 TeV
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Acharya, S.
Charm Production and Fragmentation Fractions at Midrapidity in pp Collisions at *%s=13 TeV / S.Acharya, B.Batyunya, C.Ceballos Sanchez, R.A.Diaz, S.Grigoryan, A.Kondratyev, L.Malinina, K.Mikhaylov, P.Nomokonov, V.Pozdniakov, E.Rogochaya, A.Vodopyanov, [ALICE Collab.] // Journal of High Energy Physics [Electronic resource]. – 2023. – Vol. 2023, No. 12. – P. 086. – URL: https://doi.org/10.1007/JHEP12(2023)086. – Bibliogr.: 106.
Measurements of the production cross sections of prompt D0, D+, D∗+, D+ s , Λ+ c , and Ξ+ c charm hadrons at midrapidity in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV with the ALICE detector are presented. The D-meson cross sections as a function of transverse momentum (pT) are provided with improved precision and granularity. The ratios of pT-differential meson production cross sections based on this publication and on measurements at different rapidity and collision energy provide a constraint on gluon parton distribution functions at low values of Bjorken-x (10−5–10−4). The measurements of Λ+ c (Ξ+ c ) baryon production extend the measured pT intervals down to pT = 0(3) GeV/c. These measurements are used to determine the charm-quark fragmentation fractions and the cc production cross section at midrapidity (|y| < 0.5) based on the sum of the cross sections of the weakly-decaying ground-state charm hadrons D0, D+, D+ s , Λ+ c , Ξ0 c and, for the first time, Ξ+ c , and of the strongly-decaying J/ψ mesons. The first measurements of Ξ+ c and Σ0,++ c fragmentation fractions at midrapidity are also reported. A significantly larger fraction of charm quarks hadronising to baryons is found compared to e+e− and ep collisions. The cc production cross section at midrapidity is found to be at the upper bound of state-of-the-art perturbative QCD calculations.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 346.2в - Взаимодействие протонов с протонами
Acharya, S.
Charm Production and Fragmentation Fractions at Midrapidity in pp Collisions at *%s=13 TeV / S.Acharya, B.Batyunya, C.Ceballos Sanchez, R.A.Diaz, S.Grigoryan, A.Kondratyev, L.Malinina, K.Mikhaylov, P.Nomokonov, V.Pozdniakov, E.Rogochaya, A.Vodopyanov, [ALICE Collab.] // Journal of High Energy Physics [Electronic resource]. – 2023. – Vol. 2023, No. 12. – P. 086. – URL: https://doi.org/10.1007/JHEP12(2023)086. – Bibliogr.: 106.
Measurements of the production cross sections of prompt D0, D+, D∗+, D+ s , Λ+ c , and Ξ+ c charm hadrons at midrapidity in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV with the ALICE detector are presented. The D-meson cross sections as a function of transverse momentum (pT) are provided with improved precision and granularity. The ratios of pT-differential meson production cross sections based on this publication and on measurements at different rapidity and collision energy provide a constraint on gluon parton distribution functions at low values of Bjorken-x (10−5–10−4). The measurements of Λ+ c (Ξ+ c ) baryon production extend the measured pT intervals down to pT = 0(3) GeV/c. These measurements are used to determine the charm-quark fragmentation fractions and the cc production cross section at midrapidity (|y| < 0.5) based on the sum of the cross sections of the weakly-decaying ground-state charm hadrons D0, D+, D+ s , Λ+ c , Ξ0 c and, for the first time, Ξ+ c , and of the strongly-decaying J/ψ mesons. The first measurements of Ξ+ c and Σ0,++ c fragmentation fractions at midrapidity are also reported. A significantly larger fraction of charm quarks hadronising to baryons is found compared to e+e− and ep collisions. The cc production cross section at midrapidity is found to be at the upper bound of state-of-the-art perturbative QCD calculations.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 346.2в - Взаимодействие протонов с протонами