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Электронный каталог: Mikhailov, S. V. - Endpoint Behavior of Distribution Amplitudes of Pion and Longitudinally Polarized rho Meson Under...
Mikhailov, S. V. - Endpoint Behavior of Distribution Amplitudes of Pion and Longitudinally Polarized rho Meson Under...

Автор: Mikhailov, S. V.
Physical Review D [Electronic resource]: Endpoint Behavior of Distribution Amplitudes of Pion and Longitudinally Polarized rho Meson Under...
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Автор: Mikhailov, S. V.
Physical Review D [Electronic resource]: Endpoint Behavior of Distribution Amplitudes of Pion and Longitudinally Polarized rho Meson Under...
ISBN отсутствует
Mikhailov, S.V.
Endpoint Behavior of Distribution Amplitudes of Pion and Longitudinally Polarized rho Meson Under the Influence of Renormalon-Chain Contributions / S.V.Mikhailov, N.Volchanskiy // Physical Review D [Electronic resource]. – 2023. – Vol.108, No.9. – P.096015. – URL: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevD.108.096015. – Bibliogr.:26.
We calculate the two-point massless QCD correlator of nonlocal (composite) vector quark currents with chains of fermion one-loop radiative corrections inserted into gluon lines. The correlator depends on the Bjorken fraction x related to the composite current and, under large-β&sub(0) approximation, gives the main contributions in each order of perturbation theory. In the mentioned approximation, these contributions dominate the endpoint behavior of the leading-twist distribution amplitudes of light mesons in the framework of QCD sum rules. Based on this, we analyze the endpoint behavior of these distribution amplitudes for π and longitudinally polarized ρ∥ mesons and find inequalities for their moments.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 324.1д - Квантовая хромодинамика$
Бюллетени = 7/024
Mikhailov, S.V.
Endpoint Behavior of Distribution Amplitudes of Pion and Longitudinally Polarized rho Meson Under the Influence of Renormalon-Chain Contributions / S.V.Mikhailov, N.Volchanskiy // Physical Review D [Electronic resource]. – 2023. – Vol.108, No.9. – P.096015. – URL: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevD.108.096015. – Bibliogr.:26.
We calculate the two-point massless QCD correlator of nonlocal (composite) vector quark currents with chains of fermion one-loop radiative corrections inserted into gluon lines. The correlator depends on the Bjorken fraction x related to the composite current and, under large-β&sub(0) approximation, gives the main contributions in each order of perturbation theory. In the mentioned approximation, these contributions dominate the endpoint behavior of the leading-twist distribution amplitudes of light mesons in the framework of QCD sum rules. Based on this, we analyze the endpoint behavior of these distribution amplitudes for π and longitudinally polarized ρ∥ mesons and find inequalities for their moments.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 324.1д - Квантовая хромодинамика$
Бюллетени = 7/024