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Электронный каталог: Agostini, M. - Final Results of GERDA on the Two-Neutrino Double-*b Decay Half-Life of *7*6Ge
Agostini, M. - Final Results of GERDA on the Two-Neutrino Double-*b Decay Half-Life of *7*6Ge

Автор: Agostini, M.
Physical Review Letters [Electronic resource]: Final Results of GERDA on the Two-Neutrino Double-*b Decay Half-Life of *7*6Ge
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Автор: Agostini, M.
Physical Review Letters [Electronic resource]: Final Results of GERDA on the Two-Neutrino Double-*b Decay Half-Life of *7*6Ge
ISBN отсутствует
Agostini, M.
Final Results of GERDA on the Two-Neutrino Double-*b Decay Half-Life of *7*6Ge / M.Agostini, M.Fomina, K.Gusev, A.Klimenko, O.Kochetov, A.Lubashevskiy, I.Nemchenok, N.Rumyantseva, E.Shevchik, M.Shirchenko, A.Smolnikov, I.Zhitnikov, D.Zinatulina, [a.o.] // Physical Review Letters [Electronic resource]. – 2023. – Vol.131, No.14. – P.142501. – URL: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.131.142501. – Bibliogr.:53.
We present the measurement of the two-neutrino double-β decay rate of 76Ge performed with the GERDA Phase II experiment. With a subset of the entire GERDA exposure, 11.8 kg yr, the half-life of the process has been determined: T2ν1/2=(2.022±0.018stat±0.038syst)×1021 yr. This is the most precise determination of the 76Ge two-neutrino double-β decay half-life and one of the most precise measurements of a double-β decay process. The relevant nuclear matrix element can be extracted: M2νeff=(0.101±0.001).
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 341.1б - Бета-распад и К-захват. Схемы распада и спектры
Agostini, M.
Final Results of GERDA on the Two-Neutrino Double-*b Decay Half-Life of *7*6Ge / M.Agostini, M.Fomina, K.Gusev, A.Klimenko, O.Kochetov, A.Lubashevskiy, I.Nemchenok, N.Rumyantseva, E.Shevchik, M.Shirchenko, A.Smolnikov, I.Zhitnikov, D.Zinatulina, [a.o.] // Physical Review Letters [Electronic resource]. – 2023. – Vol.131, No.14. – P.142501. – URL: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.131.142501. – Bibliogr.:53.
We present the measurement of the two-neutrino double-β decay rate of 76Ge performed with the GERDA Phase II experiment. With a subset of the entire GERDA exposure, 11.8 kg yr, the half-life of the process has been determined: T2ν1/2=(2.022±0.018stat±0.038syst)×1021 yr. This is the most precise determination of the 76Ge two-neutrino double-β decay half-life and one of the most precise measurements of a double-β decay process. The relevant nuclear matrix element can be extracted: M2νeff=(0.101±0.001).
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 341.1б - Бета-распад и К-захват. Схемы распада и спектры