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Электронный каталог: Solovyev, D. I. - Simulation of Ion Optics in a Gas-Filled Solenoid GASSOL
Solovyev, D. I. - Simulation of Ion Optics in a Gas-Filled Solenoid GASSOL

Автор: Solovyev, D. I.
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A [Electronic resource]: Simulation of Ion Optics in a Gas-Filled Solenoid GASSOL
ISBN отсутствует
Автор: Solovyev, D. I.
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A [Electronic resource]: Simulation of Ion Optics in a Gas-Filled Solenoid GASSOL
ISBN отсутствует
Solovyev, D.I.
Simulation of Ion Optics in a Gas-Filled Solenoid GASSOL / D.I.Solovyev, N.D.Kovrizhnykh, G.G.Gulbekyan, N.Y.Kazarinov, K.B.Gikal, V.I.Lisov, K.V.Papenkov // Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A [Electronic resource]. – 2023. – Vol.1052. – P.168263. – URL: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nima.2023.168263. – Bibliogr.:34.
The results of simulation of ion optics in a gas-filled solenoid GASSOL are presented. The principle of operation of the gas-filled solenoid is described and a method for implementing a separation system based on a static turbine is proposed. On the basis of the simulation results, the potential capabilities of the setup for studying the chemical properties of superheavy elements from Fl to Ts are demonstrated.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 345 о - Электронная и ионная оптика. Формирование и анализ пучков
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 17 к - Расчеты по молекулярной динамике. Численное моделирование физических задач
Бюллетени = 4/024
Solovyev, D.I.
Simulation of Ion Optics in a Gas-Filled Solenoid GASSOL / D.I.Solovyev, N.D.Kovrizhnykh, G.G.Gulbekyan, N.Y.Kazarinov, K.B.Gikal, V.I.Lisov, K.V.Papenkov // Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A [Electronic resource]. – 2023. – Vol.1052. – P.168263. – URL: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nima.2023.168263. – Bibliogr.:34.
The results of simulation of ion optics in a gas-filled solenoid GASSOL are presented. The principle of operation of the gas-filled solenoid is described and a method for implementing a separation system based on a static turbine is proposed. On the basis of the simulation results, the potential capabilities of the setup for studying the chemical properties of superheavy elements from Fl to Ts are demonstrated.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 345 о - Электронная и ионная оптика. Формирование и анализ пучков
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 17 к - Расчеты по молекулярной динамике. Численное моделирование физических задач
Бюллетени = 4/024