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Электронный каталог: Occupational Radiation Protection. Enhancing the Protection of Workers — Gaps, Challenges and Dev...
Occupational Radiation Protection. Enhancing the Protection of Workers — Gaps, Challenges and Dev...
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Occupational Radiation Protection. Enhancing the Protection of Workers — Gaps, Challenges and Dev... : Proceedings of an International Conference, Vienna, Austria, 1–5 December 2014
Серия: Proceedings Series
Издательство: IAEA, 2022 г.
ISBN 978-92-0-122522-1
Occupational Radiation Protection. Enhancing the Protection of Workers — Gaps, Challenges and Dev... : Proceedings of an International Conference, Vienna, Austria, 1–5 December 2014
Серия: Proceedings Series
Издательство: IAEA, 2022 г.
ISBN 978-92-0-122522-1
Occupational Radiation Protection. Enhancing the Protection of Workers — Gaps, Challenges and Developments [Electronic resource] : Proceedings of an International Conference, Vienna, Austria, 1–5 December 2014. – Vienna : IAEA, 2022. – Electronic book. – (Proceedings Series). – URL: https://www-pub.iaea.org/MTCD/Publications/PDF/STIPUB2004web.pdf. – Title from the title screen. – ISBN 978-92-0-122522-1.
Индексный (книги) = С 349 - Дозиметрия и физика защиты
Географический = Vienna, Austria
Ключевых слов = radiation
Ключевых слов = ionizing radiation
Ключевых слов = radiation dosimetry
Ключевых слов = radiation protection
Ключевых слов = cosmic rays
Ключевых слов = radon
Ключевых слов = nuclear fuel cycle
Ключевых слов = safety
Ключевых слов = health risks
Occupational Radiation Protection. Enhancing the Protection of Workers — Gaps, Challenges and Developments [Electronic resource] : Proceedings of an International Conference, Vienna, Austria, 1–5 December 2014. – Vienna : IAEA, 2022. – Electronic book. – (Proceedings Series). – URL: https://www-pub.iaea.org/MTCD/Publications/PDF/STIPUB2004web.pdf. – Title from the title screen. – ISBN 978-92-0-122522-1.
Индексный (книги) = С 349 - Дозиметрия и физика защиты
Географический = Vienna, Austria
Ключевых слов = radiation
Ключевых слов = ionizing radiation
Ключевых слов = radiation dosimetry
Ключевых слов = radiation protection
Ключевых слов = cosmic rays
Ключевых слов = radon
Ключевых слов = nuclear fuel cycle
Ключевых слов = safety
Ключевых слов = health risks