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Электронный каталог: Yang, B. - The Effects of the Spin-Induced Quadrupole on the Equatorial Motion in Kerr Spacetime
Yang, B. - The Effects of the Spin-Induced Quadrupole on the Equatorial Motion in Kerr Spacetime

Автор: Yang, B.
Physica Scripta: The Effects of the Spin-Induced Quadrupole on the Equatorial Motion in Kerr Spacetime
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Автор: Yang, B.
Physica Scripta: The Effects of the Spin-Induced Quadrupole on the Equatorial Motion in Kerr Spacetime
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Yang, B.
The Effects of the Spin-Induced Quadrupole on the Equatorial Motion in Kerr Spacetime / B.Yang, [et al.] // Physica Scripta. – 2020. – Vol.95, No.10. – p.105008. – URL: https://doi.org/10.1088/1402-4896/abb89d. – Bibliogr.:40.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 322.1 - Общая теория относительности и гравитация
Yang, B.
The Effects of the Spin-Induced Quadrupole on the Equatorial Motion in Kerr Spacetime / B.Yang, [et al.] // Physica Scripta. – 2020. – Vol.95, No.10. – p.105008. – URL: https://doi.org/10.1088/1402-4896/abb89d. – Bibliogr.:40.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 322.1 - Общая теория относительности и гравитация