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Электронный каталог: Poojitha, C. G. - Assessment of Radon and Thoron Exhalation from Soils and Dissolved Radon in Ground Water in the V...
Poojitha, C. G. - Assessment of Radon and Thoron Exhalation from Soils and Dissolved Radon in Ground Water in the V...

Автор: Poojitha, C. G.
Radiation Protection Dosimetry: Assessment of Radon and Thoron Exhalation from Soils and Dissolved Radon in Ground Water in the V...
ISBN отсутствует
Автор: Poojitha, C. G.
Radiation Protection Dosimetry: Assessment of Radon and Thoron Exhalation from Soils and Dissolved Radon in Ground Water in the V...
ISBN отсутствует
Poojitha, C.G.
Assessment of Radon and Thoron Exhalation from Soils and Dissolved Radon in Ground Water in the Vicinity of Elevated Granitic Hill, Chikkaballapur District, Karnataka, India / C.G.Poojitha, [et al.] // Radiation Protection Dosimetry. – 2020. – Vol.190, No.2. – p.185-192. – URL: https://doi.org/10.1093/rpd/ncaa099. – Bibliogr.:23.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 349 - Дозиметрия и физика защиты
Poojitha, C.G.
Assessment of Radon and Thoron Exhalation from Soils and Dissolved Radon in Ground Water in the Vicinity of Elevated Granitic Hill, Chikkaballapur District, Karnataka, India / C.G.Poojitha, [et al.] // Radiation Protection Dosimetry. – 2020. – Vol.190, No.2. – p.185-192. – URL: https://doi.org/10.1093/rpd/ncaa099. – Bibliogr.:23.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 349 - Дозиметрия и физика защиты