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Электронный каталог: Burtebayev, N. T. - Optimization of the Parameters of Detectors Array Based on CsI(Tl) for Registration of Charged Pa...
Burtebayev, N. T. - Optimization of the Parameters of Detectors Array Based on CsI(Tl) for Registration of Charged Pa...

Книга (аналит. описание)
Автор: Burtebayev, N. T.
LXIV International Conference "Nucleus 2014". Fundamental Problems of Nuclear Physics and Atomic Power Engineering and Nuclear Technologies, Minsk, Belarus, July 1-4, 2014: Optimization of the Parameters of Detectors Array Based on CsI(Tl) for Registration of Charged Pa...
ISBN отсутствует
Автор: Burtebayev, N. T.
LXIV International Conference "Nucleus 2014". Fundamental Problems of Nuclear Physics and Atomic Power Engineering and Nuclear Technologies, Minsk, Belarus, July 1-4, 2014: Optimization of the Parameters of Detectors Array Based on CsI(Tl) for Registration of Charged Pa...
ISBN отсутствует
Книга (аналит. описание)
Burtebayev, N.T.
Optimization of the Parameters of Detectors Array Based on CsI(Tl) for Registration of Charged Particles in Experiment Aimed to Determine 2p Decay of the *1*7Ne / N.T.Burtebayev, A.V.Gorshkov, D.M.Janseitov // LXIV International Conference "Nucleus 2014". Fundamental Problems of Nuclear Physics and Atomic Power Engineering and Nuclear Technologies, Minsk, Belarus, July 1-4, 2014 : Book of Abstracts / International Conference "Nucleus 2014" (64; 2014; Minsk) ; Ed.: A.K.Vlasnikov. – Minsk : BSU, 2014. – p.228. – Bibliogr.:1.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 344.1ж - Сцинтилляционные счетчики, камеры. Сцинтилляционные вещества. Микроканальные умножители
Burtebayev, N.T.
Optimization of the Parameters of Detectors Array Based on CsI(Tl) for Registration of Charged Particles in Experiment Aimed to Determine 2p Decay of the *1*7Ne / N.T.Burtebayev, A.V.Gorshkov, D.M.Janseitov // LXIV International Conference "Nucleus 2014". Fundamental Problems of Nuclear Physics and Atomic Power Engineering and Nuclear Technologies, Minsk, Belarus, July 1-4, 2014 : Book of Abstracts / International Conference "Nucleus 2014" (64; 2014; Minsk) ; Ed.: A.K.Vlasnikov. – Minsk : BSU, 2014. – p.228. – Bibliogr.:1.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 344.1ж - Сцинтилляционные счетчики, камеры. Сцинтилляционные вещества. Микроканальные умножители