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Электронный каталог: Sharipov, A. S. - Analysis of the Reaction and Quenching Channels in a H + O&sub(2)(a*1*D&sub(g)) System
Sharipov, A. S. - Analysis of the Reaction and Quenching Channels in a H + O&sub(2)(a*1*D&sub(g)) System

Автор: Sharipov, A. S.
Physica Scripta: Analysis of the Reaction and Quenching Channels in a H + O&sub(2)(a*1*D&sub(g)) System
ISBN отсутствует
Автор: Sharipov, A. S.
Physica Scripta: Analysis of the Reaction and Quenching Channels in a H + O&sub(2)(a*1*D&sub(g)) System
ISBN отсутствует
Sharipov, A.S.
Analysis of the Reaction and Quenching Channels in a H + O&sub(2)(a*1*D&sub(g)) System / A.S.Sharipov, A.M.Starik // Physica Scripta. – 2013. – Vol.88, No.5. – p.058305. – URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/0031-8949/88/05/058305. – Bibliogr.:48.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 332 - Электромагнитные взаимодействия
Sharipov, A.S.
Analysis of the Reaction and Quenching Channels in a H + O&sub(2)(a*1*D&sub(g)) System / A.S.Sharipov, A.M.Starik // Physica Scripta. – 2013. – Vol.88, No.5. – p.058305. – URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/0031-8949/88/05/058305. – Bibliogr.:48.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 332 - Электромагнитные взаимодействия