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Электронный каталог: Krzewicki, M. - Elliptic and Triangular Flow of Identified Particles Measured with the ALICE Detector at the LHC
Krzewicki, M. - Elliptic and Triangular Flow of Identified Particles Measured with the ALICE Detector at the LHC

Автор: Krzewicki, M.
Journal of Physics G: Elliptic and Triangular Flow of Identified Particles Measured with the ALICE Detector at the LHC
ISBN отсутствует
Автор: Krzewicki, M.
Journal of Physics G: Elliptic and Triangular Flow of Identified Particles Measured with the ALICE Detector at the LHC
ISBN отсутствует
Krzewicki, M.
Elliptic and Triangular Flow of Identified Particles Measured with the ALICE Detector at the LHC / M.Krzewicki, B.Batyunya, A.Fedunov, S.Grigoryan, L.Jancurova, L.Malinina, P.Nomokonov, T.Pocheptsov, G.Shabratova, M.Vala, A.Vodopyanov, S.Zaporozhets, [et al.] // Journal of Physics G : Nuclear and Particle Physics. – 2011. – Vol.38, No.12. – p.124047. – URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/0954-3899/38/12/124047. – Bibliogr.:11.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 343 е2 - Взаимодействие релятивистских ядер с ядрами
Krzewicki, M.
Elliptic and Triangular Flow of Identified Particles Measured with the ALICE Detector at the LHC / M.Krzewicki, B.Batyunya, A.Fedunov, S.Grigoryan, L.Jancurova, L.Malinina, P.Nomokonov, T.Pocheptsov, G.Shabratova, M.Vala, A.Vodopyanov, S.Zaporozhets, [et al.] // Journal of Physics G : Nuclear and Particle Physics. – 2011. – Vol.38, No.12. – p.124047. – URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/0954-3899/38/12/124047. – Bibliogr.:11.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 343 е2 - Взаимодействие релятивистских ядер с ядрами