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Электронный каталог: Fadavieslam, M. R. - A Study of the Photoconductivity and Thermoelectric Properties of Sn&sub(x)S&sub(y) Optical Semic...
Fadavieslam, M. R. - A Study of the Photoconductivity and Thermoelectric Properties of Sn&sub(x)S&sub(y) Optical Semic...

Автор: Fadavieslam, M. R.
Physica Scripta: A Study of the Photoconductivity and Thermoelectric Properties of Sn&sub(x)S&sub(y) Optical Semic...
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Автор: Fadavieslam, M. R.
Physica Scripta: A Study of the Photoconductivity and Thermoelectric Properties of Sn&sub(x)S&sub(y) Optical Semic...
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Fadavieslam, M.R.
A Study of the Photoconductivity and Thermoelectric Properties of Sn&sub(x)S&sub(y) Optical Semiconductor Thin Films Deposited by the Spray Pyrolysis Technique / M.R.Fadavieslam, [a.o.] // Physica Scripta. – 2011. – Vol.84, No.3. – p.035705. – URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/0031-8949/84/03/035705. – Bibliogr.:20.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 344.4б - Методы приготовления тонких пленок$
Fadavieslam, M.R.
A Study of the Photoconductivity and Thermoelectric Properties of Sn&sub(x)S&sub(y) Optical Semiconductor Thin Films Deposited by the Spray Pyrolysis Technique / M.R.Fadavieslam, [a.o.] // Physica Scripta. – 2011. – Vol.84, No.3. – p.035705. – URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/0031-8949/84/03/035705. – Bibliogr.:20.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 344.4б - Методы приготовления тонких пленок$