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Электронный каталог: Alfimenkov, V. P. - Investigations of the Parity Violation and Interference Effects in *2*3*5U Fission Induced by Res...
Alfimenkov, V. P. - Investigations of the Parity Violation and Interference Effects in *2*3*5U Fission Induced by Res...

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Автор: Alfimenkov, V. P.
Investigations of the Parity Violation and Interference Effects in *2*3*5U Fission Induced by Res...
Серия: JINR
Издательство: JINR, 1997 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Автор: Alfimenkov, V. P.
Investigations of the Parity Violation and Interference Effects in *2*3*5U Fission Induced by Res...
Серия: JINR
Издательство: JINR, 1997 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Alfimenkov, V.P.
Investigations of the Parity Violation and Interference Effects in *2*3*5U Fission Induced by Resonance Neutrons / V.P.Alfimenkov, A.N.Chernikov, Yu.D.Mareev, V.V.Novitski, L.B.Pikelner, V.R.Skoy, M.I.Tsulaya, L.Lason. – Dubna : JINR, 1997. – 15 p. – (JINR ; E3-97-106). – URL: http://inis.jinr.ru/sl/NTBLIB/JINR-E3-97-106.pdf. – Bibliogr.: 22.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 341.3б - Деление, вызванное нейтронами
Alfimenkov, V.P.
Investigations of the Parity Violation and Interference Effects in *2*3*5U Fission Induced by Resonance Neutrons / V.P.Alfimenkov, A.N.Chernikov, Yu.D.Mareev, V.V.Novitski, L.B.Pikelner, V.R.Skoy, M.I.Tsulaya, L.Lason. – Dubna : JINR, 1997. – 15 p. – (JINR ; E3-97-106). – URL: http://inis.jinr.ru/sl/NTBLIB/JINR-E3-97-106.pdf. – Bibliogr.: 22.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 341.3б - Деление, вызванное нейтронами