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Электронный каталог: Ji, D. H. - Master-Slave Synchronization of Lur'e Systems with Sector and Slope Restricted Nonlinearities
Ji, D. H. - Master-Slave Synchronization of Lur'e Systems with Sector and Slope Restricted Nonlinearities
Автор: Ji, D. H.
Physics Letters A: Master-Slave Synchronization of Lur'e Systems with Sector and Slope Restricted Nonlinearities
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Автор: Ji, D. H.
Physics Letters A: Master-Slave Synchronization of Lur'e Systems with Sector and Slope Restricted Nonlinearities
ISBN отсутствует
Ji, D.H.
Master-Slave Synchronization of Lur'e Systems with Sector and Slope Restricted Nonlinearities / D.H.Ji, [a.o.] // Physics Letters A : пер. с англ. – 2009. – Vol.373, No.11. – P.1044-50. – URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.physleta.2009.01.038. – Bibliogr.:18.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 325.4 - Нелинейные системы. Хаос и синергетика. Фракталы$
Ji, D.H.
Master-Slave Synchronization of Lur'e Systems with Sector and Slope Restricted Nonlinearities / D.H.Ji, [a.o.] // Physics Letters A : пер. с англ. – 2009. – Vol.373, No.11. – P.1044-50. – URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.physleta.2009.01.038. – Bibliogr.:18.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 325.4 - Нелинейные системы. Хаос и синергетика. Фракталы$