Название: |
Документов |
Серии |
Spartan Books, Washington |
4 |
Space Time Analyses, Arlington |
97 |
Space Research Institute RAS, Moscow |
1 |
Southern Federal Univ. Press, Rostov-on-Don |
1 |
Sole Distributors for the USA and Canada, New York |
1 |
Society of Exploration Geophysicists, |
1 |
Society for Mind-Matter Research, Zurich |
1 |
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Philadelphia |
2 |
Society by C.F.Hodgson & Son, London |
1 |
Societe Nouvelle de L'Encyclopedie Francaise, Paris |
1 |
Societa Italiana di Fisica, |
368 |
Sociedade Brasileira de Fisica, |
1 |
Sociedad Mexicana de Física A C, |
1 |
Soc. Francaise du Vide, Cannes |
1 |
SNUTP, Seoul |
3 |
Snowmass, |
1 |
SNB/CM, Kolkata |
1 |
SMUHEP, Dallas |
7 |
Slovenske Vyd. Techn. Lit., Bratislava |
1 |
Slovenske Pedagogicke Nakladelstvo, Bratislava |
1 |
Slovenska Akad. vied a umeni, Bratislava |
1 |
Slovanske Nakl., Praha |
1 |
SLAC, Stanford |
674 |
Skolni Nakl. pro Cechy a Moravu, Praha |
1 |
37 |
8 |
SINP, Calcutta |
1 |
Sinauer Associated Inc., Sunderland |
1 |
SIN, Villigen |
4 |
Simon and Schuster, New York |
3 |