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Gazdzicki, M.
Сортировать по: заглавиюСвязанные описания:

Gazdzicki, M.
Identity Method to Study Chemical Fluctuations in Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions
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Gazdzicki, M.
Identity Method to Study Chemical Fluctuations in Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions
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Gazdzicki, M.
NA49/NA61: Results and Plans on Beam Energy and System Size Scan at the CERN SPS
ISBN отсутствует
Gazdzicki, M.
NA49/NA61: Results and Plans on Beam Energy and System Size Scan at the CERN SPS
ISBN отсутствует

Gazdzicki, M.
Recent Developments in the Study of Deconfinement in Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions
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Gazdzicki, M.
Recent Developments in the Study of Deconfinement in Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions
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Gazdzicki, M.
Peculiarities of *L Hyperon and *p meson production in Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions at High Energies
ISBN отсутствует
Gazdzicki, M.
Peculiarities of *L Hyperon and *p meson production in Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions at High Energies
Серия: JINR
JINR, 1985 г.ISBN отсутствует

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Anikina, M.
Analysis of *D and Associative Pion Production in Relativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions
ISBN отсутствует
Anikina, M.
Analysis of *D and Associative Pion Production in Relativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions
Серия: JINR
JINR, 1984 г.ISBN отсутствует

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Gazdzicki, M.
Analysis of V&sup(o)-Events Registered in the Streamer Spectrometer SKM-200
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Gazdzicki, M.
Analysis of V&sup(o)-Events Registered in the Streamer Spectrometer SKM-200
Серия: JINR
JINR, 1984 г.ISBN отсутствует

Gazdzicki, M.
Multi-Purpose Detector at the JINR NICA Collider in the Landscape of Heavy-Ion Projects
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Gazdzicki, M.
Multi-Purpose Detector at the JINR NICA Collider in the Landscape of Heavy-Ion Projects
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Anikina, M.
Experimental Data on *p*- Mesons Produced in Inelastic and Central Nucleus-Nucleus Interactions a...
ISBN отсутствует
Anikina, M.
Experimental Data on *p*- Mesons Produced in Inelastic and Central Nucleus-Nucleus Interactions a...
Серия: JINR
JINR, 1984 г.ISBN отсутствует

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Anikina, M.
A Study of *D-Production in Central Nucleus-Nucleus Interactions at a Momentum of 4,5 GeV/c per I...
ISBN отсутствует
Anikina, M.
A Study of *D-Production in Central Nucleus-Nucleus Interactions at a Momentum of 4,5 GeV/c per I...
Серия: JINR
JINR, 1983 г.ISBN отсутствует

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Gazdzicki, M.
Difficulties of the Thermodynamical Model Approach to Pion Production in Relativistic Ion Collisions
ISBN отсутствует
Gazdzicki, M.
Difficulties of the Thermodynamical Model Approach to Pion Production in Relativistic Ion Collisions
Серия: JINR
JINR, 1983 г.ISBN отсутствует

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Anikina, M. Kh.
Characteristics of *p*- - Meson Multiplicity Distributions in Central Collisions of *1*2C and *1...
ISBN отсутствует
Anikina, M. Kh.
Characteristics of *p*- - Meson Multiplicity Distributions in Central Collisions of *1*2C and *1...
Серия: JINR
JINR, 1980 г.ISBN отсутствует

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Anikina, M.
Study of the Polarization for *D*,S Produced in Nucleus-Nucleus Interactions
ISBN отсутствует
Anikina, M.
Study of the Polarization for *D*,S Produced in Nucleus-Nucleus Interactions
Серия: JINR
JINR, 1985 г.ISBN отсутствует