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Электронный каталог: Raduta, C. M. - Unified Description of the 2*n*b*b Decay to the First Quadrupole Phonon State in Spherical and De...
Raduta, C. M. - Unified Description of the 2*n*b*b Decay to the First Quadrupole Phonon State in Spherical and De...

Автор: Raduta, C. M.
Romanian Reports in Physics: Unified Description of the 2*n*b*b Decay to the First Quadrupole Phonon State in Spherical and De...
ISBN отсутствует
Автор: Raduta, C. M.
Romanian Reports in Physics: Unified Description of the 2*n*b*b Decay to the First Quadrupole Phonon State in Spherical and De...
ISBN отсутствует
Raduta, C.M.
Unified Description of the 2*n*b*b Decay to the First Quadrupole Phonon State in Spherical and Deformed Nuclei / C.M.Raduta, A.A.Raduta // Romanian Reports in Physics. – 2007. – Vol.59, No.2. – p.583-593. – URL: http://www.infim.ro/rrp/2007_59_2/33_raduta.pdf. – Bibliogr.:28.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 341.1б - Бета-распад и К-захват. Схемы распада и спектры
Raduta, C.M.
Unified Description of the 2*n*b*b Decay to the First Quadrupole Phonon State in Spherical and Deformed Nuclei / C.M.Raduta, A.A.Raduta // Romanian Reports in Physics. – 2007. – Vol.59, No.2. – p.583-593. – URL: http://www.infim.ro/rrp/2007_59_2/33_raduta.pdf. – Bibliogr.:28.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 341.1б - Бета-распад и К-захват. Схемы распада и спектры