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Электронный каталог: Aslanoglou, X. - Performance Studies of Prototype II for the CASTOR Forward Calorimeter at the CMS Experiment
Aslanoglou, X. - Performance Studies of Prototype II for the CASTOR Forward Calorimeter at the CMS Experiment

Автор: Aslanoglou, X.
The European Physical Journal C: Performance Studies of Prototype II for the CASTOR Forward Calorimeter at the CMS Experiment
ISBN отсутствует
Автор: Aslanoglou, X.
The European Physical Journal C: Performance Studies of Prototype II for the CASTOR Forward Calorimeter at the CMS Experiment
ISBN отсутствует
Aslanoglou, X.
Performance Studies of Prototype II for the CASTOR Forward Calorimeter at the CMS Experiment / X.Aslanoglou, [et al.] // The European Physical Journal C : Particles and Fields. – 2007. – Vol.52, No.2. – p.495-506. – URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1140/epjc/s10052-007-0380-x. – Bibliogr.:12.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 344.1с1 - Ливневые спектрометры полного поглощения. Адронные калориметры
Aslanoglou, X.
Performance Studies of Prototype II for the CASTOR Forward Calorimeter at the CMS Experiment / X.Aslanoglou, [et al.] // The European Physical Journal C : Particles and Fields. – 2007. – Vol.52, No.2. – p.495-506. – URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1140/epjc/s10052-007-0380-x. – Bibliogr.:12.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 344.1с1 - Ливневые спектрометры полного поглощения. Адронные калориметры