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Электронный каталог: Lenske, H. - Probing Matter and Radii of Neutron-Rich Nuclei by Antiproton Scattering
Lenske, H. - Probing Matter and Radii of Neutron-Rich Nuclei by Antiproton Scattering

Автор: Lenske, H.
Physics Letters B: Probing Matter and Radii of Neutron-Rich Nuclei by Antiproton Scattering
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Автор: Lenske, H.
Physics Letters B: Probing Matter and Radii of Neutron-Rich Nuclei by Antiproton Scattering
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Lenske, H.
Probing Matter and Radii of Neutron-Rich Nuclei by Antiproton Scattering / H.Lenske, P.Kienle // Physics Letters B. – 2007. – Vol.647, No.2/3. – p.82-87. – URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.physletb.2007.02.009. – Bibliogr.:35.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 346.2б1 - Взаимодействие антинуклонов с ядрами (Z>2). Антиядра. Антиатомы.
Lenske, H.
Probing Matter and Radii of Neutron-Rich Nuclei by Antiproton Scattering / H.Lenske, P.Kienle // Physics Letters B. – 2007. – Vol.647, No.2/3. – p.82-87. – URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.physletb.2007.02.009. – Bibliogr.:35.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 346.2б1 - Взаимодействие антинуклонов с ядрами (Z>2). Антиядра. Антиатомы.