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Электронный каталог: Bailey, R. M. - Paper I: The Use of Measurement-Time Dependent Single-Aliquot Equivalent-Dose Estimates from Quar...
Bailey, R. M. - Paper I: The Use of Measurement-Time Dependent Single-Aliquot Equivalent-Dose Estimates from Quar...

Автор: Bailey, R. M.
Radiation Measurements: Paper I: The Use of Measurement-Time Dependent Single-Aliquot Equivalent-Dose Estimates from Quar...
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Автор: Bailey, R. M.
Radiation Measurements: Paper I: The Use of Measurement-Time Dependent Single-Aliquot Equivalent-Dose Estimates from Quar...
ISBN отсутствует
Bailey, R.M.
Paper I: The Use of Measurement-Time Dependent Single-Aliquot Equivalent-Dose Estimates from Quartz in the Identification of Incomplete Signal Resetting / R.M.Bailey // Radiation Measurements. – 2003. – Vol.37,No.6. – p.673-683. – URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S1350-4487(03)00078-7. – Bibliogr.:p.682-683.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 349 а - Дозиметрия различных видов излучения. Абсолютные измерения потоков
Bailey, R.M.
Paper I: The Use of Measurement-Time Dependent Single-Aliquot Equivalent-Dose Estimates from Quartz in the Identification of Incomplete Signal Resetting / R.M.Bailey // Radiation Measurements. – 2003. – Vol.37,No.6. – p.673-683. – URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S1350-4487(03)00078-7. – Bibliogr.:p.682-683.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 349 а - Дозиметрия различных видов излучения. Абсолютные измерения потоков