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Электронный каталог: Golutvin, I. - CMS Muon System
Golutvin, I. - CMS Muon System

Книга (аналит. описание)
Golutvin, I.
CMS Muon System / I.Golutvin // LHC Physics and Detectors : International Symposium, Dubna, July 19-21, 1995: Proc.: In 3 Vol. / Ed.: A.N.Sissakian, [et al.]. – Dubna : JINR, 1995. - Vol.2 : . – 1995. – p.371-435.
Golutvin, I.
CMS Muon System / I.Golutvin // LHC Physics and Detectors : International Symposium, Dubna, July 19-21, 1995: Proc.: In 3 Vol. / Ed.: A.N.Sissakian, [et al.]. – Dubna : JINR, 1995. - Vol.2 : . – 1995. – p.371-435.