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Электронный каталог: 2003 Nuclear Science Symposium, Room-Temperature Semiconductor Detectors Workshop, and Symposium ...
2003 Nuclear Science Symposium, Room-Temperature Semiconductor Detectors Workshop, and Symposium ...
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science: 2003 Nuclear Science Symposium, Room-Temperature Semiconductor Detectors Workshop, and Symposium ... : Papers ..., Portland, USA, Oc.19-25, 2003
ISBN отсутствует
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science: 2003 Nuclear Science Symposium, Room-Temperature Semiconductor Detectors Workshop, and Symposium ... : Papers ..., Portland, USA, Oc.19-25, 2003
ISBN отсутствует
2003 Nuclear Science Symposium, Room-Temperature Semiconductor Detectors Workshop, and Symposium on Nuclear Power Systems (2003 NSS/RTSD/SNPS) : Papers ..., Portland, USA, Oc.19-25, 2003 // IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science. – 2004. – Vol.51, No.6, Pt.1. – URL: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/tocresult.jsp?isNumber=29972&puNumber=23.
Индексный (книги) = С 344.1 - Методы и аппаратура для регистрации элементарных частиц и фотонов
Географический = Portland, Oregon, USA
2003 Nuclear Science Symposium, Room-Temperature Semiconductor Detectors Workshop, and Symposium on Nuclear Power Systems (2003 NSS/RTSD/SNPS) : Papers ..., Portland, USA, Oc.19-25, 2003 // IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science. – 2004. – Vol.51, No.6, Pt.1. – URL: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/tocresult.jsp?isNumber=29972&puNumber=23.
Индексный (книги) = С 344.1 - Методы и аппаратура для регистрации элементарных частиц и фотонов
Географический = Portland, Oregon, USA