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Электронный каталог: Demekhina, N. A. - Properties of the Products from the Interaction of 35 MeV/N *7Li Ions with Pb Nuclei
Demekhina, N. A. - Properties of the Products from the Interaction of 35 MeV/N *7Li Ions with Pb Nuclei
Книга (аналит. описание)
Автор: Demekhina, N. A.
International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions (NN-2003)(8; 2003; Moscow): Properties of the Products from the Interaction of 35 MeV/N *7Li Ions with Pb Nuclei
ISBN отсутствует
Автор: Demekhina, N. A.
International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions (NN-2003)(8; 2003; Moscow): Properties of the Products from the Interaction of 35 MeV/N *7Li Ions with Pb Nuclei
ISBN отсутствует
Книга (аналит. описание)
Demekhina, N.A.
Properties of the Products from the Interaction of 35 MeV/N *7Li Ions with Pb Nuclei / N.A.Demekhina, G.S.Karapetyan, S.M.Lukyanov, Yu.E.Penionzhkevich, N.K.Skobelev, A.Yakushev // International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions (NN-2003)(8; 2003; Moscow) : VIII Intern. Conf ... , Moscow, Russia, June 17-21, 2003: Book of Abstracts. – Dubna : JINR, 2003. – p.110. – (JINR ; E7-2003-106) .
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 343 е1 - Взаимодействие тяжелых ионов с ядрами
Demekhina, N.A.
Properties of the Products from the Interaction of 35 MeV/N *7Li Ions with Pb Nuclei / N.A.Demekhina, G.S.Karapetyan, S.M.Lukyanov, Yu.E.Penionzhkevich, N.K.Skobelev, A.Yakushev // International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions (NN-2003)(8; 2003; Moscow) : VIII Intern. Conf ... , Moscow, Russia, June 17-21, 2003: Book of Abstracts. – Dubna : JINR, 2003. – p.110. – (JINR ; E7-2003-106) .
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 343 е1 - Взаимодействие тяжелых ионов с ядрами