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Электронный каталог: Dzhioev, A. A. - Neutrinos from Pre-Supernova: Effects of Nuclear Temperature on Luminosities and Spectra
Dzhioev, A. A. - Neutrinos from Pre-Supernova: Effects of Nuclear Temperature on Luminosities and Spectra

Автор: Dzhioev, A. A.
International Journal of Modern Physics E [Electronic resource]: Neutrinos from Pre-Supernova: Effects of Nuclear Temperature on Luminosities and Spectra
ISBN отсутствует
Автор: Dzhioev, A. A.
International Journal of Modern Physics E [Electronic resource]: Neutrinos from Pre-Supernova: Effects of Nuclear Temperature on Luminosities and Spectra
ISBN отсутствует
Dzhioev, A.A.
Neutrinos from Pre-Supernova: Effects of Nuclear Temperature on Luminosities and Spectra / A.A.Dzhioev, A.V.Yudin, N.V.Dunina-Barkovskaya, A.I.Vdovin // International Journal of Modern Physics E [Electronic resource]. – 2024. – Vol. 33, No. 11 : Nucleus-2024: Fundamental Problems and Applications. Part 1 : Selected Papers of LXXIV Int. Conference, Dubna, Russia. – P. 2441014. – URL: https://doi.org/10.1142/S0218301324410143. – Bibliogr.: 27.
Accurate estimates of (anti)neutrino spectra and luminosities are needed to determine the possibility of pre-supernova neutrino detection. Using the recently proposed thermal quasiparticle random-phase approximation (TQRPA) method, we have studied thermal effects on the spectra and luminosities of (anti)neutrinos emitted in nuclear weak-interaction processes under pre-supernova conditions. We show that a thermodynamically consistent consideration of Gamow–Teller transitions in hot nuclei increases the energy luminosity and results in larger average (anti)neutrino energies.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 341 е - Ядерная астрофизика$
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 346.1е - Нейтрино в космогонии и астрофизике
Dzhioev, A.A.
Neutrinos from Pre-Supernova: Effects of Nuclear Temperature on Luminosities and Spectra / A.A.Dzhioev, A.V.Yudin, N.V.Dunina-Barkovskaya, A.I.Vdovin // International Journal of Modern Physics E [Electronic resource]. – 2024. – Vol. 33, No. 11 : Nucleus-2024: Fundamental Problems and Applications. Part 1 : Selected Papers of LXXIV Int. Conference, Dubna, Russia. – P. 2441014. – URL: https://doi.org/10.1142/S0218301324410143. – Bibliogr.: 27.
Accurate estimates of (anti)neutrino spectra and luminosities are needed to determine the possibility of pre-supernova neutrino detection. Using the recently proposed thermal quasiparticle random-phase approximation (TQRPA) method, we have studied thermal effects on the spectra and luminosities of (anti)neutrinos emitted in nuclear weak-interaction processes under pre-supernova conditions. We show that a thermodynamically consistent consideration of Gamow–Teller transitions in hot nuclei increases the energy luminosity and results in larger average (anti)neutrino energies.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 341 е - Ядерная астрофизика$
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 346.1е - Нейтрино в космогонии и астрофизике