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Электронный каталог: Sepiani, M. - Validity Analysis of *g-Ray Strength Function Models for Radiative Capture Reactions of Heavy Nuclei
Sepiani, M. - Validity Analysis of *g-Ray Strength Function Models for Radiative Capture Reactions of Heavy Nuclei

Автор: Sepiani, M.
International Journal of Modern Physics E [Electronic resource]: Validity Analysis of *g-Ray Strength Function Models for Radiative Capture Reactions of Heavy Nuclei
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Автор: Sepiani, M.
International Journal of Modern Physics E [Electronic resource]: Validity Analysis of *g-Ray Strength Function Models for Radiative Capture Reactions of Heavy Nuclei
ISBN отсутствует
Sepiani, M.
Validity Analysis of *g-Ray Strength Function Models for Radiative Capture Reactions of Heavy Nuclei / M.Sepiani, M.N.Nasrabadi // International Journal of Modern Physics E [Electronic resource]. – 2024. – Vol. 33, No. 11 : Nucleus-2024: Fundamental Problems and Applications. Part 1 : Selected Papers of LXXIV Int. Conference, Dubna, Russia. – P. 2441004. – URL: https://doi.org/10.1142/S0218301324410040. – Bibliogr.: 26.
Accurate simulation of radiative capture reactions (RCRs) requires precise modeling of γ-ray strength functions (GSF). Various GSF models exist but need normalization based on experimental total radiative width (TRW) data. This study found that current normalization methods fail for neutron-induced RCRs in *2*3*8U and *2*3*3Th nuclei. In this regard, re-normalization values are proposed in order to improve model consistency at low energies. The standard Lorentzian (SLO) model fits experimental data best with minimal normalization.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 343 г3 - Гамма-излучение радиационного захвата нейтронов
Sepiani, M.
Validity Analysis of *g-Ray Strength Function Models for Radiative Capture Reactions of Heavy Nuclei / M.Sepiani, M.N.Nasrabadi // International Journal of Modern Physics E [Electronic resource]. – 2024. – Vol. 33, No. 11 : Nucleus-2024: Fundamental Problems and Applications. Part 1 : Selected Papers of LXXIV Int. Conference, Dubna, Russia. – P. 2441004. – URL: https://doi.org/10.1142/S0218301324410040. – Bibliogr.: 26.
Accurate simulation of radiative capture reactions (RCRs) requires precise modeling of γ-ray strength functions (GSF). Various GSF models exist but need normalization based on experimental total radiative width (TRW) data. This study found that current normalization methods fail for neutron-induced RCRs in *2*3*8U and *2*3*3Th nuclei. In this regard, re-normalization values are proposed in order to improve model consistency at low energies. The standard Lorentzian (SLO) model fits experimental data best with minimal normalization.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 343 г3 - Гамма-излучение радиационного захвата нейтронов