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Электронный каталог: Egorov, M. - Virtual and Resonance States in the Three-Body D - *m*- - T, D - *m*- - D Systems
Egorov, M. - Virtual and Resonance States in the Three-Body D - *m*- - T, D - *m*- - D Systems

Автор: Egorov, M.
International Journal of Modern Physics E [Electronic resource]: Virtual and Resonance States in the Three-Body D - *m*- - T, D - *m*- - D Systems
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Автор: Egorov, M.
International Journal of Modern Physics E [Electronic resource]: Virtual and Resonance States in the Three-Body D - *m*- - T, D - *m*- - D Systems
ISBN отсутствует
Egorov, M.
Virtual and Resonance States in the Three-Body D - *m*- - T, D - *m*- - D Systems / M.Egorov // International Journal of Modern Physics E [Electronic resource]. – 2024. – Vol. 33, No. 11 : Nucleus-2024: Fundamental Problems and Applications. Part 1 : Selected Papers of LXXIV Int. Conference, Dubna, Russia. – P. 2441001. – URL: https://doi.org/10.1142/S0218301324410015. – Bibliogr.: 22.
Three-body bound, virtual and resonant states in the dt μ − and d d μ − systems were found by solving homogeneous Faddeev equations on the real and complex energy planes. The formalism of searching is conducted for the scattering matrix poles on both physical and nonphysical energy sheets with an analytical continuation of the corresponding Lippmann–Schwinger equations for t-matrix. Some benchmark tests have been done with model and realistic two-body potentials to verify the analytical continuation procedure. Direct calculations revealed five resonant states in the d t μ − and d d μ − systems, as well as two virtual states in the d t μ − system in the strong coupling mode. The key influence of short-range d t and d d interactions was found on the appearance of d t μ − and d d μ − bound states in the energy range of 1–20keV, which disappeared when such interactions were turned off.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 323 в - Задачи 3-4-х тел. Обратная задача рассеяния. Нестабильные частицы
Egorov, M.
Virtual and Resonance States in the Three-Body D - *m*- - T, D - *m*- - D Systems / M.Egorov // International Journal of Modern Physics E [Electronic resource]. – 2024. – Vol. 33, No. 11 : Nucleus-2024: Fundamental Problems and Applications. Part 1 : Selected Papers of LXXIV Int. Conference, Dubna, Russia. – P. 2441001. – URL: https://doi.org/10.1142/S0218301324410015. – Bibliogr.: 22.
Three-body bound, virtual and resonant states in the dt μ − and d d μ − systems were found by solving homogeneous Faddeev equations on the real and complex energy planes. The formalism of searching is conducted for the scattering matrix poles on both physical and nonphysical energy sheets with an analytical continuation of the corresponding Lippmann–Schwinger equations for t-matrix. Some benchmark tests have been done with model and realistic two-body potentials to verify the analytical continuation procedure. Direct calculations revealed five resonant states in the d t μ − and d d μ − systems, as well as two virtual states in the d t μ − system in the strong coupling mode. The key influence of short-range d t and d d interactions was found on the appearance of d t μ − and d d μ − bound states in the energy range of 1–20keV, which disappeared when such interactions were turned off.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 323 в - Задачи 3-4-х тел. Обратная задача рассеяния. Нестабильные частицы