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Электронный каталог: Ponomarev, V. Ju. - Influence of the Two-Phonon Admixture on the Ml-Resonance in Spherical Nuclei
Ponomarev, V. Ju. - Influence of the Two-Phonon Admixture on the Ml-Resonance in Spherical Nuclei

Книга (аналит. описание)
Автор: Ponomarev, V. Ju.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Nuclear Structure, Tokyo, Sept.5-10, 1977: Influence of the Two-Phonon Admixture on the Ml-Resonance in Spherical Nuclei
ISBN отсутствует
Автор: Ponomarev, V. Ju.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Nuclear Structure, Tokyo, Sept.5-10, 1977: Influence of the Two-Phonon Admixture on the Ml-Resonance in Spherical Nuclei
ISBN отсутствует
Книга (аналит. описание)
Ponomarev, V.Ju.
Influence of the Two-Phonon Admixture on the Ml-Resonance in Spherical Nuclei / V.Ju.Ponomarev, Ch.Stoyanov, V.V.Voronov // Proceedings of the International Conference on Nuclear Structure, Tokyo, Sept.5-10, 1977 : Contributed Papers / International Conference on Nuclear Structure (1977; Tokyo). – Tokyo : [S.n.], 1977. – P. 126. – URL: http://inis.jinr.ru/sl/NTBLIB/JINR-E4-12093.pdf. – Bibliogr.: 2.
Ponomarev, V.Ju.
Influence of the Two-Phonon Admixture on the Ml-Resonance in Spherical Nuclei / V.Ju.Ponomarev, Ch.Stoyanov, V.V.Voronov // Proceedings of the International Conference on Nuclear Structure, Tokyo, Sept.5-10, 1977 : Contributed Papers / International Conference on Nuclear Structure (1977; Tokyo). – Tokyo : [S.n.], 1977. – P. 126. – URL: http://inis.jinr.ru/sl/NTBLIB/JINR-E4-12093.pdf. – Bibliogr.: 2.