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Электронный каталог: Selyugin, O. V. - Dependence of the Structure of the Elastic Scattering Amplitude on Mandelstam Variables at High E...
Selyugin, O. V. - Dependence of the Structure of the Elastic Scattering Amplitude on Mandelstam Variables at High E...
Автор: Selyugin, O. V.
Физика элементарных частиц и атомного ядра: Dependence of the Structure of the Elastic Scattering Amplitude on Mandelstam Variables at High E... : XXV International Baldin Seminar on High Energy Physics Problems «Relativistic Nuclear Physics and Quantum Chromodynamics», Dubna, September 18–23, 20...
ISBN отсутствует
Автор: Selyugin, O. V.
Физика элементарных частиц и атомного ядра: Dependence of the Structure of the Elastic Scattering Amplitude on Mandelstam Variables at High E... : XXV International Baldin Seminar on High Energy Physics Problems «Relativistic Nuclear Physics and Quantum Chromodynamics», Dubna, September 18–23, 20...
ISBN отсутствует
Selyugin, O.V.
Dependence of the Structure of the Elastic Scattering Amplitude on Mandelstam Variables at High Energies : XXV International Baldin Seminar on High Energy Physics Problems «Relativistic Nuclear Physics and Quantum Chromodynamics», Dubna, September 18–23, 2023 : Materials / O.V.Selyugin // Физика элементарных частиц и атомного ядра. – 2024. – Т. 55, № 4. – P. 1156. – URL: http://www1.jinr.ru/Pepan/v-55-4/56_Selyugin_ann.pdf.
Analysis of new experimental data obtained by the TOTEM and ATLAS collaborations at the LHC together with old data obtained at the SPS and Tevatron colliders at small momentum transfer in the framework of the high-energy generalized structure model allows one to determine the dependence of different parts of the hadron elastic scattering amplitude on the Mandelstam kinematic variables s and t.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 323.5б - Упругое рассеяние частиц и эксклюзивные процессы
Selyugin, O.V.
Dependence of the Structure of the Elastic Scattering Amplitude on Mandelstam Variables at High Energies : XXV International Baldin Seminar on High Energy Physics Problems «Relativistic Nuclear Physics and Quantum Chromodynamics», Dubna, September 18–23, 2023 : Materials / O.V.Selyugin // Физика элементарных частиц и атомного ядра. – 2024. – Т. 55, № 4. – P. 1156. – URL: http://www1.jinr.ru/Pepan/v-55-4/56_Selyugin_ann.pdf.
Analysis of new experimental data obtained by the TOTEM and ATLAS collaborations at the LHC together with old data obtained at the SPS and Tevatron colliders at small momentum transfer in the framework of the high-energy generalized structure model allows one to determine the dependence of different parts of the hadron elastic scattering amplitude on the Mandelstam kinematic variables s and t.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 323.5б - Упругое рассеяние частиц и эксклюзивные процессы