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Электронный каталог: Ahmadov, G. - Angular Distribution of Prompt Fission *g-Rays
Ahmadov, G. - Angular Distribution of Prompt Fission *g-Rays

Автор: Ahmadov, G.
Romanian Reports in Physics [Electronic resource]: Angular Distribution of Prompt Fission *g-Rays
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Автор: Ahmadov, G.
Romanian Reports in Physics [Electronic resource]: Angular Distribution of Prompt Fission *g-Rays
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Ahmadov, G.
Angular Distribution of Prompt Fission *g-Rays / G.Ahmadov, D.Berikov, Yu.Kopatch // Romanian Reports in Physics [Electronic resource]. – 2023. – Vol. 75, No. 1. – P. 202. – URL: https://rrp.nipne.ro/2023/AN75202.pdf. – Bibliogr.: 11.
The angular distributions of prompt-fission γ-rays with respect to the direction of fission fragments in the monochromatic “warm” neutron induced fission of 235U have been studied. The fragments were detected with low-pressure position sensitive multi-wire proportional counter and the gamma-rays with a plastic scintillators. The time-of-flight method is used to discriminate prompt neutrons and prompt γ-rays of fission. From the measured angular distributions with respect to the direction of the selected fragments, the value of the laboratory anisotropy has been found to be 15 % in comparison to the value obtained in the perpendicular direction. The measurements indicate the existence of a significant anisotropy of emission of the γ-rays in the emitting-fragment system, suggesting the presence of significant angular momenta of the fragments correlated with the fission axis, which also lead to an enhanced emission of the γ-rays. Moreover, the article includes a new technique for measuring and correcting the obtained angular distribution, in the case of when plastic scintillators have different threshold levels for detection of γ-rays.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 341.3ж - Гамма-лучи деления
Ahmadov, G.
Angular Distribution of Prompt Fission *g-Rays / G.Ahmadov, D.Berikov, Yu.Kopatch // Romanian Reports in Physics [Electronic resource]. – 2023. – Vol. 75, No. 1. – P. 202. – URL: https://rrp.nipne.ro/2023/AN75202.pdf. – Bibliogr.: 11.
The angular distributions of prompt-fission γ-rays with respect to the direction of fission fragments in the monochromatic “warm” neutron induced fission of 235U have been studied. The fragments were detected with low-pressure position sensitive multi-wire proportional counter and the gamma-rays with a plastic scintillators. The time-of-flight method is used to discriminate prompt neutrons and prompt γ-rays of fission. From the measured angular distributions with respect to the direction of the selected fragments, the value of the laboratory anisotropy has been found to be 15 % in comparison to the value obtained in the perpendicular direction. The measurements indicate the existence of a significant anisotropy of emission of the γ-rays in the emitting-fragment system, suggesting the presence of significant angular momenta of the fragments correlated with the fission axis, which also lead to an enhanced emission of the γ-rays. Moreover, the article includes a new technique for measuring and correcting the obtained angular distribution, in the case of when plastic scintillators have different threshold levels for detection of γ-rays.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 341.3ж - Гамма-лучи деления