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Электронный каталог: Krmar, M. - Production of &sup(117m)Sn and &sup(119m)Sn by Photonuclear Reactions on Natural Antimony
Krmar, M. - Production of &sup(117m)Sn and &sup(119m)Sn by Photonuclear Reactions on Natural Antimony

Автор: Krmar, M.
Applied Radiation and Isotopes [Electronic resource]: Production of &sup(117m)Sn and &sup(119m)Sn by Photonuclear Reactions on Natural Antimony
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Автор: Krmar, M.
Applied Radiation and Isotopes [Electronic resource]: Production of &sup(117m)Sn and &sup(119m)Sn by Photonuclear Reactions on Natural Antimony
ISBN отсутствует
Krmar, M.
Production of &sup(117m)Sn and &sup(119m)Sn by Photonuclear Reactions on Natural Antimony / M.Krmar, Yu.Teterev, S.Mitrofanov, K.D.Timoshenko, S.I.Alexeev, [et al.] // Applied Radiation and Isotopes [Electronic resource]. – 2024. – Vol. 208. – P. 111280. – URL: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apradiso.2024.111280. – Bibliogr.: p. 111280-(7-8).
Natural antimony targets were irradiated in a 60 MeV bremsstrahlung beam and gamma spectrometric measurements were performed. The goal was to establish the yield of &sup(117m)Sn, a radionuclide with great potential for application in medicine. Considering that &sup(117m)Sn is predominantly produced through a photonuclear reaction in which an charged particle is emitted (121Sb(*g, p3n)), the yield of this tin isotope is much lower than the yields of several antimony isotopes produced in (*g,xn) reactions. It has been estimated that photonuclear reactions on natural antimony could produce &sup(117m)Sn activities needed for therapeutic applications, with accelerators having electron currents of the order of mA. For the used bremsstrahlung energy of 60 MeV, it was estimated how much &sup(119m)p.Sn activity can be expected when exposing the antimony target.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 343 б - Взаимодействие гамма-квантов и электронов с ядрами. *g*g-реакции
Бюллетени = 33/024
Krmar, M.
Production of &sup(117m)Sn and &sup(119m)Sn by Photonuclear Reactions on Natural Antimony / M.Krmar, Yu.Teterev, S.Mitrofanov, K.D.Timoshenko, S.I.Alexeev, [et al.] // Applied Radiation and Isotopes [Electronic resource]. – 2024. – Vol. 208. – P. 111280. – URL: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apradiso.2024.111280. – Bibliogr.: p. 111280-(7-8).
Natural antimony targets were irradiated in a 60 MeV bremsstrahlung beam and gamma spectrometric measurements were performed. The goal was to establish the yield of &sup(117m)Sn, a radionuclide with great potential for application in medicine. Considering that &sup(117m)Sn is predominantly produced through a photonuclear reaction in which an charged particle is emitted (121Sb(*g, p3n)), the yield of this tin isotope is much lower than the yields of several antimony isotopes produced in (*g,xn) reactions. It has been estimated that photonuclear reactions on natural antimony could produce &sup(117m)Sn activities needed for therapeutic applications, with accelerators having electron currents of the order of mA. For the used bremsstrahlung energy of 60 MeV, it was estimated how much &sup(119m)p.Sn activity can be expected when exposing the antimony target.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 343 б - Взаимодействие гамма-квантов и электронов с ядрами. *g*g-реакции
Бюллетени = 33/024