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Электронный каталог: Baranov, S. P. - Towards Higher-Order Calculations of Quarkonia Production with k&sub(T)-Factorization: P-Wave Cha...
Baranov, S. P. - Towards Higher-Order Calculations of Quarkonia Production with k&sub(T)-Factorization: P-Wave Cha...
Автор: Baranov, S. P.
The European Physical Journal C [Electronic resource]: Towards Higher-Order Calculations of Quarkonia Production with k&sub(T)-Factorization: P-Wave Cha...
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Автор: Baranov, S. P.
The European Physical Journal C [Electronic resource]: Towards Higher-Order Calculations of Quarkonia Production with k&sub(T)-Factorization: P-Wave Cha...
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Baranov, S.P.
Towards Higher-Order Calculations of Quarkonia Production with k&sub(T)-Factorization: P-Wave Charmonia / S.P.Baranov, A.V.Lipatov, A.A.Prokhorov, X.Chen // The European Physical Journal C [Electronic resource]. – 2024. – Vol. 84, No. 4. – P. 348. – URL: https://doi.org/10.1140/epjc/s10052-024-12690-0. – Bibliogr.: 102.
Inclusive P-wave charmonia production in hadronic collisions at high energies is discussed in the frame-work of non-relativistic QCD and k&sub(T) -factorization formalism. We present two consistent approaches to merge the usual leading order k&sub(T) -factorization calculations with tree-level next-to-leading order off-shell amplitudes. Using these prescriptions, we extracted long-distance matrix elements for χ&sub(c) mesons from a combined fit to available Tevatron and LHC data. In contrast to previous (leading order) calculations, our fits do not rule out the equalness of the color singlet wave functions of χ&sub(c1) and χ&sub(c2) states. The extracted values of long-distance matrix elements are employed to analyse the χ&sub(c) polarization data reported recently by the CMS Collaboration. Our predictions are in a reasonably good agreement with the Tevatron and LHC measurements within the theoretical and experimental uncertainties.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 346.6д1 - Чармоний, боттомоний, топ-кварк. Очарованные частицы и др. резонансы из тяжелых кварков
Бюллетени = 25/024
Baranov, S.P.
Towards Higher-Order Calculations of Quarkonia Production with k&sub(T)-Factorization: P-Wave Charmonia / S.P.Baranov, A.V.Lipatov, A.A.Prokhorov, X.Chen // The European Physical Journal C [Electronic resource]. – 2024. – Vol. 84, No. 4. – P. 348. – URL: https://doi.org/10.1140/epjc/s10052-024-12690-0. – Bibliogr.: 102.
Inclusive P-wave charmonia production in hadronic collisions at high energies is discussed in the frame-work of non-relativistic QCD and k&sub(T) -factorization formalism. We present two consistent approaches to merge the usual leading order k&sub(T) -factorization calculations with tree-level next-to-leading order off-shell amplitudes. Using these prescriptions, we extracted long-distance matrix elements for χ&sub(c) mesons from a combined fit to available Tevatron and LHC data. In contrast to previous (leading order) calculations, our fits do not rule out the equalness of the color singlet wave functions of χ&sub(c1) and χ&sub(c2) states. The extracted values of long-distance matrix elements are employed to analyse the χ&sub(c) polarization data reported recently by the CMS Collaboration. Our predictions are in a reasonably good agreement with the Tevatron and LHC measurements within the theoretical and experimental uncertainties.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 346.6д1 - Чармоний, боттомоний, топ-кварк. Очарованные частицы и др. резонансы из тяжелых кварков
Бюллетени = 25/024