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Электронный каталог: Gorelova, S. V. - Prospects for the Use of Sorghum Bicolor for Phytoremediation of Soils Contaminated with Heavy Me...
Gorelova, S. V. - Prospects for the Use of Sorghum Bicolor for Phytoremediation of Soils Contaminated with Heavy Me...

Книга (аналит. описание)
Автор: Gorelova, S. V.
Phytoremediation [Electronic resource]: Prospects for the Use of Sorghum Bicolor for Phytoremediation of Soils Contaminated with Heavy Me...
ISBN отсутствует
Автор: Gorelova, S. V.
Phytoremediation [Electronic resource]: Prospects for the Use of Sorghum Bicolor for Phytoremediation of Soils Contaminated with Heavy Me...
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Книга (аналит. описание)
Gorelova, S.V.
Prospects for the Use of Sorghum Bicolor for Phytoremediation of Soils Contaminated with Heavy Metals in Temperature Climates / S.V.Gorelova, M.V.Frontasyeva, I.Zinicovscaia, [a.o.] // Phytoremediation [Electronic resource] : Management of Environmental Contaminants. Vol. 7 / Ed.: L.Newman, A.A.Ansari, S.S.Gill, [et al.]. – Cham : Springer, 2023. – P. 263-301. – URL: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-17988-4_13. – Bibliogr.: P. 298-301.
The chapter provides information on a strategy for remediation of soils contaminated with potential toxic trace elements (PTTE) using high biomass plants including the following steps: 1. Evaluation of the initial level of pollution and environmental risks 2. Selection of plant/microorganisms/amendments candidates and suitable options 3. Implementation of the selected remediation strategy in the field condition (pilot) 4. Biomass valorization and developing the remediation strategy and implementation in the large scale The possibility of using Sorghum bicolor cv. Sucro and Biomass for phytoremediation of urban soils of sanitary protection zones of enterprises and highways was investigated in a model experiment. The influence of polluted soils with different elements on growth, physiological adaptation of plants to oxidative stress, and biomass formation has been assessed. The stimulating effect of soil polluted with PTTE on the growth and formation of biomass of the studied sorghum varieties was revealed. It was found that sorghum well adapts to the conditions of moderate polyelement pollution: the content of the components of the antioxidant system (carotenoids, ascorbic acid, glutathione, and phenolic compounds) in both studied varieties grown on urban soils with polyelement anomalies was higher than on the soils of the background zone. The bioaccumulation of elements from soils of experimental zones in a model experiment of two Sorghum bicolor cultivars was assessed using a complex of physico-chemical methods of analysis (AAS, INAA and ICP MS). It was found that the sorghum root system absorbs a large amount of Fe (3460–96,100 mg/kg), Mn (289–1780 mg/kg), V (3.5–45.5 mg/kg) and Cr (4.3–16 mg/kg dry weigth) from soils. Differences between cultivars were revealed in the accumulation of such elements as Pb, Cu, As and Ba (Sorghum bicolor cv. Sucro accumulates more elements). The barrier role of the root system in relation to these elements and a decrease in their uptake by the shoots was investigated. The main mechanism for extracting the listed elements from soils is rhizofiltration. It is shown that sorghum is promising for phytoextraction of zinc from soils when the permissible concentrations are exceeded. The rhizosphere microflora of sorghum grown on soils with multielement anomalies has been studied. The characteristics of the isolated microorganism strains suggested that the rhizosphere of S. bicolor cv. Biomass had greater microbial diversity in comparison with rhizosphere of S. bicolor cv. Sucro. It was found that the rhizosphere of sorghum Sucro was characterized by an increased number of microorganisms in highly contaminated highway soils; therefore, this variety may be more promising for phytoremediation of sanitary protection zones of highways. As a result of the research, 47 heavy-metal-resistant microbial isolates were collected. In the future, a promising inoculant will be selected to improve the growth of sorghum plants in heavy metal contaminated soils and to increase the efficiency of phytoremediation. Calculation of the removal of elements from soils showed that due to its significant biomass, sorghum is efficiently used for phytoextraction of Pb and Cu (variety Sucro) and V, Cr, Co, Mn, Zn and As (variety Biomass). Both studied sorghum varieties actively absorb iron by roots and phytoextract some amount in shoots. All the above facts, as well as the ability to valorize the resulting biomass, make it possible to recommend sorghum for remediation of urban soils with polyelement contamination.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 413 д - Активационный анализ
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 44 г - Физико-химические методы анализа элементов. Анализ с помощью ядерных методов
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = 28.08 - Экология$
Gorelova, S.V.
Prospects for the Use of Sorghum Bicolor for Phytoremediation of Soils Contaminated with Heavy Metals in Temperature Climates / S.V.Gorelova, M.V.Frontasyeva, I.Zinicovscaia, [a.o.] // Phytoremediation [Electronic resource] : Management of Environmental Contaminants. Vol. 7 / Ed.: L.Newman, A.A.Ansari, S.S.Gill, [et al.]. – Cham : Springer, 2023. – P. 263-301. – URL: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-17988-4_13. – Bibliogr.: P. 298-301.
The chapter provides information on a strategy for remediation of soils contaminated with potential toxic trace elements (PTTE) using high biomass plants including the following steps: 1. Evaluation of the initial level of pollution and environmental risks 2. Selection of plant/microorganisms/amendments candidates and suitable options 3. Implementation of the selected remediation strategy in the field condition (pilot) 4. Biomass valorization and developing the remediation strategy and implementation in the large scale The possibility of using Sorghum bicolor cv. Sucro and Biomass for phytoremediation of urban soils of sanitary protection zones of enterprises and highways was investigated in a model experiment. The influence of polluted soils with different elements on growth, physiological adaptation of plants to oxidative stress, and biomass formation has been assessed. The stimulating effect of soil polluted with PTTE on the growth and formation of biomass of the studied sorghum varieties was revealed. It was found that sorghum well adapts to the conditions of moderate polyelement pollution: the content of the components of the antioxidant system (carotenoids, ascorbic acid, glutathione, and phenolic compounds) in both studied varieties grown on urban soils with polyelement anomalies was higher than on the soils of the background zone. The bioaccumulation of elements from soils of experimental zones in a model experiment of two Sorghum bicolor cultivars was assessed using a complex of physico-chemical methods of analysis (AAS, INAA and ICP MS). It was found that the sorghum root system absorbs a large amount of Fe (3460–96,100 mg/kg), Mn (289–1780 mg/kg), V (3.5–45.5 mg/kg) and Cr (4.3–16 mg/kg dry weigth) from soils. Differences between cultivars were revealed in the accumulation of such elements as Pb, Cu, As and Ba (Sorghum bicolor cv. Sucro accumulates more elements). The barrier role of the root system in relation to these elements and a decrease in their uptake by the shoots was investigated. The main mechanism for extracting the listed elements from soils is rhizofiltration. It is shown that sorghum is promising for phytoextraction of zinc from soils when the permissible concentrations are exceeded. The rhizosphere microflora of sorghum grown on soils with multielement anomalies has been studied. The characteristics of the isolated microorganism strains suggested that the rhizosphere of S. bicolor cv. Biomass had greater microbial diversity in comparison with rhizosphere of S. bicolor cv. Sucro. It was found that the rhizosphere of sorghum Sucro was characterized by an increased number of microorganisms in highly contaminated highway soils; therefore, this variety may be more promising for phytoremediation of sanitary protection zones of highways. As a result of the research, 47 heavy-metal-resistant microbial isolates were collected. In the future, a promising inoculant will be selected to improve the growth of sorghum plants in heavy metal contaminated soils and to increase the efficiency of phytoremediation. Calculation of the removal of elements from soils showed that due to its significant biomass, sorghum is efficiently used for phytoextraction of Pb and Cu (variety Sucro) and V, Cr, Co, Mn, Zn and As (variety Biomass). Both studied sorghum varieties actively absorb iron by roots and phytoextract some amount in shoots. All the above facts, as well as the ability to valorize the resulting biomass, make it possible to recommend sorghum for remediation of urban soils with polyelement contamination.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 413 д - Активационный анализ
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 44 г - Физико-химические методы анализа элементов. Анализ с помощью ядерных методов
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = 28.08 - Экология$