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Электронный каталог: Gusev, A. A. - Symbolic-Numerical Algorithm for Solving the Problem of Heavy Ion Collisions in an Optical Model ...
Gusev, A. A. - Symbolic-Numerical Algorithm for Solving the Problem of Heavy Ion Collisions in an Optical Model ...

Книга (аналит. описание)
Автор: Gusev, A. A.
Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing : 25th International Workshop, CASC 2023, Havana, Cuba, August 28 – September 1, 2023 [Electronic resource]: Symbolic-Numerical Algorithm for Solving the Problem of Heavy Ion Collisions in an Optical Model ...
ISBN отсутствует
Автор: Gusev, A. A.
Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing : 25th International Workshop, CASC 2023, Havana, Cuba, August 28 – September 1, 2023 [Electronic resource]: Symbolic-Numerical Algorithm for Solving the Problem of Heavy Ion Collisions in an Optical Model ...
ISBN отсутствует
Книга (аналит. описание)
Gusev, A.A.
Symbolic-Numerical Algorithm for Solving the Problem of Heavy Ion Collisions in an Optical Model with a Complex Potential / A.A.Gusev, O.Chuluunbaatar, R.G.Nazmitdinov, S.I.Vinitsky, [a.o.] // Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing : 25th International Workshop, CASC 2023, Havana, Cuba, August 28 – September 1, 2023 [Electronic resource] : Proceedings / Ed.: F.Boulier, M.England, I.Kotsireas, [et al.]. – Cham : Springer, 2023. – P. 128-140. – URL: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-41724-5_7. – Bibliogr.: 29.
We present an original algorithm in the MAPLE system for solving the scattering problem in single-channel approximation of the coupled-channel method of the optical model (OM) described by a second-order ordinary differential equation (ODE) with a complex-valued potential and regular boundary conditions. The complex-valued potential consists of the known real part, which is a sum of the nuclear potential, the Coulomb potential, and the centrifugal potential, and the imaginary part, which is a product of the unknown coupling constant g(E), depending on the collision energy E of a pair of ions, and the derivative of the real part of the known nuclear potential with respect to the ODE independent variable. – (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; Vol. 14139) .
Индексный (книги) = Ц 840 д - Аналитические (символьные) методы вычислений на ЭВМ
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 343 а - Теория ядерных реакций. Различные модели: статистическая, оптическая, резонансная
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 17 д - Численное решение дифференциальных и интегральных уравнений. Разностные методы
Gusev, A.A.
Symbolic-Numerical Algorithm for Solving the Problem of Heavy Ion Collisions in an Optical Model with a Complex Potential / A.A.Gusev, O.Chuluunbaatar, R.G.Nazmitdinov, S.I.Vinitsky, [a.o.] // Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing : 25th International Workshop, CASC 2023, Havana, Cuba, August 28 – September 1, 2023 [Electronic resource] : Proceedings / Ed.: F.Boulier, M.England, I.Kotsireas, [et al.]. – Cham : Springer, 2023. – P. 128-140. – URL: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-41724-5_7. – Bibliogr.: 29.
We present an original algorithm in the MAPLE system for solving the scattering problem in single-channel approximation of the coupled-channel method of the optical model (OM) described by a second-order ordinary differential equation (ODE) with a complex-valued potential and regular boundary conditions. The complex-valued potential consists of the known real part, which is a sum of the nuclear potential, the Coulomb potential, and the centrifugal potential, and the imaginary part, which is a product of the unknown coupling constant g(E), depending on the collision energy E of a pair of ions, and the derivative of the real part of the known nuclear potential with respect to the ODE independent variable. – (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; Vol. 14139) .
Индексный (книги) = Ц 840 д - Аналитические (символьные) методы вычислений на ЭВМ
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 343 а - Теория ядерных реакций. Различные модели: статистическая, оптическая, резонансная
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 17 д - Численное решение дифференциальных и интегральных уравнений. Разностные методы