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Электронный каталог: Volkov, V. V. - Nuclear Physics Research With Heavy Ions
Volkov, V. V. - Nuclear Physics Research With Heavy Ions

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Автор: Volkov, V. V.
Nuclear Physics Research With Heavy Ions : Selected Articles
Издательство: JINR, 2023 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Автор: Volkov, V. V.
Nuclear Physics Research With Heavy Ions : Selected Articles
Издательство: JINR, 2023 г.
ISBN отсутствует
С343 V-86
Volkov, V.V.
Nuclear Physics Research With Heavy Ions : Selected Articles / V.V.Volkov ; Ed.: E.A.Cherepanov. – Dubna : JINR, 2023. – XVIII, 407 p. : il. – Bibliogr.: p. 387-407. – This Book is Dedicated to the 100-th Anniversary of Professor Vadim Vasilyevich Volkov.
This book, based on selected works of Professor Vadim Volkov, is devoted to nuclear processes that occur in low-energy collisions of atomic nuclei: deep inelastic transfer reactions and reactions of complete fusion of nuclei into a compound nucleus, as well as production of nuclei far from the region of stability in the reactions with heavy ions at low, relativistic, and intermediate energies. The monograph includes selected articles by Professor Vadim Volkov in scientific journals, as well as the reviews: Nuclear Deep Inelastic Transfer Reactions, The Process of Complete Fusion of Atomic Nuclei. Fusion of Nuclei within the Concept of a Di-Nuclear System and Production of Nuclei Far from the Region of Stability in Reactions witn Heavy Ions. The book will be userful for scientists conducting nuclear physics research with heavy ions, graduate students, senior students majoring in the nuclear physics and those interested in the problems of nuclear physics, and the history of its development.
С343 + С341.2 + С341.3 + С345к + С413.2
Индексный (книги) = С 343 - Ядерные реакции
Индексный (книги) = С 341.2 - Свойства атомных ядер (изотопов)
Индексный (книги) = С 341.3 - Деление ядер. Получение и разделение изотопов. Применение в науке и технике. Радиоактивные нуклиды
Индексный (книги) = С 345 к - Ускорение тяжелых ионов. (m>4)
Индексный (книги) = С 413.2 - Естественные и искусственные радиоактивные элементы и изотопы
Ключевых слов = nuclear reactions
Ключевых слов = nuclei
Ключевых слов = deep inelastic scattering
Ключевых слов = atomic nuclei
Ключевых слов = nuclear stability
Ключевых слов = radioactivity
Ключевых слов = spontaneous fission
Ключевых слов = heavy ions
С343 V-86
Volkov, V.V.
Nuclear Physics Research With Heavy Ions : Selected Articles / V.V.Volkov ; Ed.: E.A.Cherepanov. – Dubna : JINR, 2023. – XVIII, 407 p. : il. – Bibliogr.: p. 387-407. – This Book is Dedicated to the 100-th Anniversary of Professor Vadim Vasilyevich Volkov.
This book, based on selected works of Professor Vadim Volkov, is devoted to nuclear processes that occur in low-energy collisions of atomic nuclei: deep inelastic transfer reactions and reactions of complete fusion of nuclei into a compound nucleus, as well as production of nuclei far from the region of stability in the reactions with heavy ions at low, relativistic, and intermediate energies. The monograph includes selected articles by Professor Vadim Volkov in scientific journals, as well as the reviews: Nuclear Deep Inelastic Transfer Reactions, The Process of Complete Fusion of Atomic Nuclei. Fusion of Nuclei within the Concept of a Di-Nuclear System and Production of Nuclei Far from the Region of Stability in Reactions witn Heavy Ions. The book will be userful for scientists conducting nuclear physics research with heavy ions, graduate students, senior students majoring in the nuclear physics and those interested in the problems of nuclear physics, and the history of its development.
С343 + С341.2 + С341.3 + С345к + С413.2
Индексный (книги) = С 343 - Ядерные реакции
Индексный (книги) = С 341.2 - Свойства атомных ядер (изотопов)
Индексный (книги) = С 341.3 - Деление ядер. Получение и разделение изотопов. Применение в науке и технике. Радиоактивные нуклиды
Индексный (книги) = С 345 к - Ускорение тяжелых ионов. (m>4)
Индексный (книги) = С 413.2 - Естественные и искусственные радиоактивные элементы и изотопы
Ключевых слов = nuclear reactions
Ключевых слов = nuclei
Ключевых слов = deep inelastic scattering
Ключевых слов = atomic nuclei
Ключевых слов = nuclear stability
Ключевых слов = radioactivity
Ключевых слов = spontaneous fission
Ключевых слов = heavy ions