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Электронный каталог: Abe, S. - EUSO-Offline: A Comprehensive Simulation and Analysis Framework
Abe, S. - EUSO-Offline: A Comprehensive Simulation and Analysis Framework
Автор: Abe, S.
Journal of Instrumentation [Electronic resource]: EUSO-Offline: A Comprehensive Simulation and Analysis Framework
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Автор: Abe, S.
Journal of Instrumentation [Electronic resource]: EUSO-Offline: A Comprehensive Simulation and Analysis Framework
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Abe, S.
EUSO-Offline: A Comprehensive Simulation and Analysis Framework / S.Abe, D.Naumov, L.G.Tkachev, [a.o.] // Journal of Instrumentation [Electronic resource]. – 2024. – Vol. 19, No. 1. – P. 01007. – URL: https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-0221/19/01/P01007. – Bibliogr.: 57.
The complexity of modern cosmic ray observatories and the rich data sets they capture often require a sophisticated software framework to support the simulation of physical processes, detector response, as well as reconstruction and analysis of real and simulated data. Here we present the EUSO-Offline framework. The code base was originally developed by the Pierre Auger Collaboration, and portions of it have been adopted by other collaborations to suit their needs. We have extended this software to fulfill the requirements of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Ray detectors and very high energy neutrino detectors developed for the Joint Exploratory Missions for an Extreme Universe Observatory (JEM-EUSO). These path-finder instruments constitute a program to chart the path to a future space-based mission like POEMMA. For completeness, we describe the overall structure of the framework developed by the Auger collaboration and continue with a description of the JEM-EUSO simulation and reconstruction capabilities. The framework is written predominantly in modern C++ (compliled against C++17) and incorporates third-party libraries chosen based on functionality and our best judgment regarding support and longevity. Modularity is a central notion in the framework design, a requirement for large collaborations in which many individuals contribute to a common code base and often want to compare different approaches to a given problem. For the same reason, the framework is designed to be highly configurable, which allows us to contend with a variety of JEM-EUSO missions and observation scenarios. We also discuss how we incorporate broad, industry-standard testing coverage which is necessary to ensure quality and maintainability of a relatively large code base, and the tools we employ to support a multitude of computing platforms and enable fast, reliable installation of external packages. Finally, we provide a few examples of simulation and reconstruction applications using EUSO-Offline.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 63 - Астрофизика$
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 17 к - Расчеты по молекулярной динамике. Численное моделирование физических задач
Abe, S.
EUSO-Offline: A Comprehensive Simulation and Analysis Framework / S.Abe, D.Naumov, L.G.Tkachev, [a.o.] // Journal of Instrumentation [Electronic resource]. – 2024. – Vol. 19, No. 1. – P. 01007. – URL: https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-0221/19/01/P01007. – Bibliogr.: 57.
The complexity of modern cosmic ray observatories and the rich data sets they capture often require a sophisticated software framework to support the simulation of physical processes, detector response, as well as reconstruction and analysis of real and simulated data. Here we present the EUSO-Offline framework. The code base was originally developed by the Pierre Auger Collaboration, and portions of it have been adopted by other collaborations to suit their needs. We have extended this software to fulfill the requirements of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Ray detectors and very high energy neutrino detectors developed for the Joint Exploratory Missions for an Extreme Universe Observatory (JEM-EUSO). These path-finder instruments constitute a program to chart the path to a future space-based mission like POEMMA. For completeness, we describe the overall structure of the framework developed by the Auger collaboration and continue with a description of the JEM-EUSO simulation and reconstruction capabilities. The framework is written predominantly in modern C++ (compliled against C++17) and incorporates third-party libraries chosen based on functionality and our best judgment regarding support and longevity. Modularity is a central notion in the framework design, a requirement for large collaborations in which many individuals contribute to a common code base and often want to compare different approaches to a given problem. For the same reason, the framework is designed to be highly configurable, which allows us to contend with a variety of JEM-EUSO missions and observation scenarios. We also discuss how we incorporate broad, industry-standard testing coverage which is necessary to ensure quality and maintainability of a relatively large code base, and the tools we employ to support a multitude of computing platforms and enable fast, reliable installation of external packages. Finally, we provide a few examples of simulation and reconstruction applications using EUSO-Offline.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 63 - Астрофизика$
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 17 к - Расчеты по молекулярной динамике. Численное моделирование физических задач