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Электронный каталог: Friesen, A. V. - Application of Adaptive and Non-Adaptive Integration Methods to the Two-Photon Decay of a Neutral...
Friesen, A. V. - Application of Adaptive and Non-Adaptive Integration Methods to the Two-Photon Decay of a Neutral...
Автор: Friesen, A. V.
Физика элементарных частиц и атомного ядра. Письма: Application of Adaptive and Non-Adaptive Integration Methods to the Two-Photon Decay of a Neutral... : [Abstract]
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Автор: Friesen, A. V.
Физика элементарных частиц и атомного ядра. Письма: Application of Adaptive and Non-Adaptive Integration Methods to the Two-Photon Decay of a Neutral... : [Abstract]
ISBN отсутствует
Friesen, A.V.
Application of Adaptive and Non-Adaptive Integration Methods to the Two-Photon Decay of a Neutral Pion at Finite Temperature : [Abstract] / A.V.Friesen, D.Goderidze, Yu.L.Kalinovsky // Физика элементарных частиц и атомного ядра. Письма. – 2023. – Т.20, №6. – P. 1505. – URL: http://www1.jinr.ru/Pepan_letters/panl_2023_6/29_Friesen_ann.pdf.
Computation of the π0 → γγ decay width at high temperatures in the framework of the Nambu–Jona-Lasinio model requires the calculation of an integral with singularity 1/(x − c). To solve the problem, the most suitable method must be found that can effectively bypass the singularity and that allows obtaining an answer with minimal error and a high computation speed. Non-adaptive and adaptive methods based on the Gauss–Kronrod quadrature formula and the Monte Carlo integration method were considered. As a result, the temperature behavior of the two-photon pion decay width was obtained.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 346.4а - Основные свойства пи-мезонов: масса, типы и времена распадов. Структура пи-мезонов
Friesen, A.V.
Application of Adaptive and Non-Adaptive Integration Methods to the Two-Photon Decay of a Neutral Pion at Finite Temperature : [Abstract] / A.V.Friesen, D.Goderidze, Yu.L.Kalinovsky // Физика элементарных частиц и атомного ядра. Письма. – 2023. – Т.20, №6. – P. 1505. – URL: http://www1.jinr.ru/Pepan_letters/panl_2023_6/29_Friesen_ann.pdf.
Computation of the π0 → γγ decay width at high temperatures in the framework of the Nambu–Jona-Lasinio model requires the calculation of an integral with singularity 1/(x − c). To solve the problem, the most suitable method must be found that can effectively bypass the singularity and that allows obtaining an answer with minimal error and a high computation speed. Non-adaptive and adaptive methods based on the Gauss–Kronrod quadrature formula and the Monte Carlo integration method were considered. As a result, the temperature behavior of the two-photon pion decay width was obtained.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 346.4а - Основные свойства пи-мезонов: масса, типы и времена распадов. Структура пи-мезонов