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Электронный каталог: Banerjee, T. - Evolution of Multimodal Fission with Energy in *2*3*8Np Populated by *6Li+*2*3*2Th
Banerjee, T. - Evolution of Multimodal Fission with Energy in *2*3*8Np Populated by *6Li+*2*3*2Th

Автор: Banerjee, T.
Physical Review C [Electronic resource]: Evolution of Multimodal Fission with Energy in *2*3*8Np Populated by *6Li+*2*3*2Th
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Автор: Banerjee, T.
Physical Review C [Electronic resource]: Evolution of Multimodal Fission with Energy in *2*3*8Np Populated by *6Li+*2*3*2Th
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Banerjee, T.
Evolution of Multimodal Fission with Energy in *2*3*8Np Populated by *6Li+*2*3*2Th / T.Banerjee, E.M.Kozulin, G.N.Knyazheva, A.A.Bogachev, I.M.Itkis, [a.o.] // Physical Review C [Electronic resource]. – 2023. – Vol.108, No.6. – P.064601. – URL: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevC.108.064601. – Bibliogr.:68.
Background: Nuclear fission is influenced by shell effects. Fission modes are a strong signature of the compound nucleus formation in heavy ion induced reactions. The evolution of the relative strengths of the fission modes with excitation energy is a matter of intense interest. Purpose: We investigate the signatures of fission modes in *2*3*8Np populated by the *6Li+*2*3*2Th reaction through the mass–total kinetic energy distribution. Method: The mass–total kinetic energy distributions of fission fragments of the reaction *6Li+*2*3*2Th are measured at four laboratory energies, E&sub(lab)=28.5, 40, 45, and 62.5 MeV. Mass–total kinetic energy distributions of *6Li+*2*3*2Th are described by the multimodal random neck rupture model. Results: Channel probabilities of different fission modes are obtained obtained through a two-dimensional fitting procedure. The contribution of the standard 1 (S1) mode is found to become ≈2% at E&sub(lab)=40 MeV. The heavy fragments of S1 and standard 2 (S2) modes are found to be associated with Z≈52 and Z≈55 shells, respectively. The slope of the asymmetric to symmetric fission yields ratio with the excitation energy of 6Li+232Th is found to be similar to that of *1*8O+*2*0*8Pb (previously reported). Conclusions: The analysis of mass–total kinetic energy distribution data reveals the presence of fission modes in *6Li+*2*3*2Th. The average kinetic energy release in fission obtained from Viola systematic matches well with the one of the of S2 mode. The liquid-drop-like broad symmetric (SL) mode is found to peak at a lower energy than predicted by Viola systematic. This is associated with the decrease of the total kinetic energy in the asymmetric fission mode due to the fading out of shell effects with increasing excitation energy.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 341.3е - Массовое и зарядовое распределение осколков деления
Бюллетени = 11/024
Banerjee, T.
Evolution of Multimodal Fission with Energy in *2*3*8Np Populated by *6Li+*2*3*2Th / T.Banerjee, E.M.Kozulin, G.N.Knyazheva, A.A.Bogachev, I.M.Itkis, [a.o.] // Physical Review C [Electronic resource]. – 2023. – Vol.108, No.6. – P.064601. – URL: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevC.108.064601. – Bibliogr.:68.
Background: Nuclear fission is influenced by shell effects. Fission modes are a strong signature of the compound nucleus formation in heavy ion induced reactions. The evolution of the relative strengths of the fission modes with excitation energy is a matter of intense interest. Purpose: We investigate the signatures of fission modes in *2*3*8Np populated by the *6Li+*2*3*2Th reaction through the mass–total kinetic energy distribution. Method: The mass–total kinetic energy distributions of fission fragments of the reaction *6Li+*2*3*2Th are measured at four laboratory energies, E&sub(lab)=28.5, 40, 45, and 62.5 MeV. Mass–total kinetic energy distributions of *6Li+*2*3*2Th are described by the multimodal random neck rupture model. Results: Channel probabilities of different fission modes are obtained obtained through a two-dimensional fitting procedure. The contribution of the standard 1 (S1) mode is found to become ≈2% at E&sub(lab)=40 MeV. The heavy fragments of S1 and standard 2 (S2) modes are found to be associated with Z≈52 and Z≈55 shells, respectively. The slope of the asymmetric to symmetric fission yields ratio with the excitation energy of 6Li+232Th is found to be similar to that of *1*8O+*2*0*8Pb (previously reported). Conclusions: The analysis of mass–total kinetic energy distribution data reveals the presence of fission modes in *6Li+*2*3*2Th. The average kinetic energy release in fission obtained from Viola systematic matches well with the one of the of S2 mode. The liquid-drop-like broad symmetric (SL) mode is found to peak at a lower energy than predicted by Viola systematic. This is associated with the decrease of the total kinetic energy in the asymmetric fission mode due to the fading out of shell effects with increasing excitation energy.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 341.3е - Массовое и зарядовое распределение осколков деления
Бюллетени = 11/024