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Электронный каталог: Chebyshev, K. A. - Solid State Synthesis and Investigation of Double Oxides in х/6Pr&sub(6)O&sub(11) – MoO&sub(3) (2...
Chebyshev, K. A. - Solid State Synthesis and Investigation of Double Oxides in х/6Pr&sub(6)O&sub(11) – MoO&sub(3) (2...

Автор: Chebyshev, K. A.
Materials Today Communications [Electronic resource]: Solid State Synthesis and Investigation of Double Oxides in х/6Pr&sub(6)O&sub(11) – MoO&sub(3) (2...
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Автор: Chebyshev, K. A.
Materials Today Communications [Electronic resource]: Solid State Synthesis and Investigation of Double Oxides in х/6Pr&sub(6)O&sub(11) – MoO&sub(3) (2...
ISBN отсутствует
Chebyshev, K.A.
Solid State Synthesis and Investigation of Double Oxides in х/6Pr&sub(6)O&sub(11) – MoO&sub(3) (2 *{ х *{ 6) Series / K.A.Chebyshev, N.I.Selikova, L.V.Pasechnik, V.A.Turchenko // Materials Today Communications [Electronic resource]. – 2023. – Vol.37. – P.107573. – URL: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mtcomm.2023.107573. – Bibliogr.:40.
The polycrystalline samples of the х/6Pr&sub(6)O&sub(11) – MoO&sub(3) (2 *{ х *{ 6) series were prepared by conventional solid-state route. The phase formation was studied by XRD analysis in the temperature range of 1000 – 1200 °C. After calcination at 1100 °С, the formation of praseodymium molybdate with Pr4MoO9+δ composition is observed, which decomposes into a mixture of Pr&sub(2)MoO&sub(6) and Pr&sub(6)MoO&sub(12+δ) phases at 1200 °С. It was first established that Pr&sub(4)MoO&sub(9+δ) praseodymium molybdate has a monoclinic lattice with parameters a = 16.7211(9) Å, b = 11.9894(7) Å, c = 9.5588(5) Å, β = 109.6149(7) °, sp. gr. C 2/m. Crystal structure was refined by high resolution neutron diffraction data. The homogeneity regions of Pr&sub(4)MoO&sub(9+δ) and Pr&sub(6)MoO&sub(12+δ) were determined to be 4 < x < 4.2 and 4.57 < x < 6, respectively. It was shown that the conductivity of this molybdates increases with praseodymium oxide content in the Pr&sub(5)Mo&sub(3)O&sub(16+δ) – Pr&sub(4)MoO&sub(9+δ) – Pr&sub(6)MoO&sub(12+δ) series.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 342 г1 - Замедление и диффузия нейтронов. Дифракция
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 332.8 - Синхротронное излучение. Лазеры на свободных электронах. Получение и использование рентгеновских лучей
Бюллетени = 14/024
Chebyshev, K.A.
Solid State Synthesis and Investigation of Double Oxides in х/6Pr&sub(6)O&sub(11) – MoO&sub(3) (2 *{ х *{ 6) Series / K.A.Chebyshev, N.I.Selikova, L.V.Pasechnik, V.A.Turchenko // Materials Today Communications [Electronic resource]. – 2023. – Vol.37. – P.107573. – URL: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mtcomm.2023.107573. – Bibliogr.:40.
The polycrystalline samples of the х/6Pr&sub(6)O&sub(11) – MoO&sub(3) (2 *{ х *{ 6) series were prepared by conventional solid-state route. The phase formation was studied by XRD analysis in the temperature range of 1000 – 1200 °C. After calcination at 1100 °С, the formation of praseodymium molybdate with Pr4MoO9+δ composition is observed, which decomposes into a mixture of Pr&sub(2)MoO&sub(6) and Pr&sub(6)MoO&sub(12+δ) phases at 1200 °С. It was first established that Pr&sub(4)MoO&sub(9+δ) praseodymium molybdate has a monoclinic lattice with parameters a = 16.7211(9) Å, b = 11.9894(7) Å, c = 9.5588(5) Å, β = 109.6149(7) °, sp. gr. C 2/m. Crystal structure was refined by high resolution neutron diffraction data. The homogeneity regions of Pr&sub(4)MoO&sub(9+δ) and Pr&sub(6)MoO&sub(12+δ) were determined to be 4 < x < 4.2 and 4.57 < x < 6, respectively. It was shown that the conductivity of this molybdates increases with praseodymium oxide content in the Pr&sub(5)Mo&sub(3)O&sub(16+δ) – Pr&sub(4)MoO&sub(9+δ) – Pr&sub(6)MoO&sub(12+δ) series.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 342 г1 - Замедление и диффузия нейтронов. Дифракция
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 332.8 - Синхротронное излучение. Лазеры на свободных электронах. Получение и использование рентгеновских лучей
Бюллетени = 14/024