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Электронный каталог: Hnatic, M. - Universality Classes of Percolation Processes: Renormalization Group Approach
Hnatic, M. - Universality Classes of Percolation Processes: Renormalization Group Approach
Автор: Hnatic, M.
Symmetry [Electronic resource]: Universality Classes of Percolation Processes: Renormalization Group Approach
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Автор: Hnatic, M.
Symmetry [Electronic resource]: Universality Classes of Percolation Processes: Renormalization Group Approach
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Hnatic, M.
Universality Classes of Percolation Processes: Renormalization Group Approach / M.Hnatic, J.Honkonen, T.Lucivjansky, L.Mizisin // Symmetry [Electronic resource]. – 2023. – Vol.15, No.9. – P.1696. – URL: https://doi.org/10.3390/sym15091696. – Bibliogr.:67.
Complex systems of classical physics in certain situations are characterized by intensive fluctuations of the quantities governing their dynamics. These include important phenomena such as (continuous) second-order phase transitions, fully developed turbulence, magnetic hydrodynamics, advective–diffusive processes, the kinetics of chemical reactions, percolation, and processes in financial markets. The theoretical goal of the study of such systems is to determine and predict the temporal and spatial dependence of statistical correlations of fluctuating variables. Modern methods of quantum field theory, originally developed in high-energy physics to describe the properties of elementary particles, allow for quantitative analysis of such correlations. Peculiarities of quantum field theory in solving two paradigmatic statistical problems related to percolation are reviewed, and new results on calculating representative universal parameters such as critical exponents that describe asymptotic behavior are presented.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 324.3 - Аксиоматическая теория поля. Аналитические свойства матричных элементов и дисперсионные соотношения. Разложение операторов вблизи светового конуса. Вопросы регуляризации и перенормировки. Размерная регуляризация$
Бюллетени = 50/023
Hnatic, M.
Universality Classes of Percolation Processes: Renormalization Group Approach / M.Hnatic, J.Honkonen, T.Lucivjansky, L.Mizisin // Symmetry [Electronic resource]. – 2023. – Vol.15, No.9. – P.1696. – URL: https://doi.org/10.3390/sym15091696. – Bibliogr.:67.
Complex systems of classical physics in certain situations are characterized by intensive fluctuations of the quantities governing their dynamics. These include important phenomena such as (continuous) second-order phase transitions, fully developed turbulence, magnetic hydrodynamics, advective–diffusive processes, the kinetics of chemical reactions, percolation, and processes in financial markets. The theoretical goal of the study of such systems is to determine and predict the temporal and spatial dependence of statistical correlations of fluctuating variables. Modern methods of quantum field theory, originally developed in high-energy physics to describe the properties of elementary particles, allow for quantitative analysis of such correlations. Peculiarities of quantum field theory in solving two paradigmatic statistical problems related to percolation are reviewed, and new results on calculating representative universal parameters such as critical exponents that describe asymptotic behavior are presented.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 324.3 - Аксиоматическая теория поля. Аналитические свойства матричных элементов и дисперсионные соотношения. Разложение операторов вблизи светового конуса. Вопросы регуляризации и перенормировки. Размерная регуляризация$
Бюллетени = 50/023