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Электронный каталог: Pepelyshev, Yu. N. - Dynamics of the IBR-2M Reactor at a Power Pulse Repetition Frequency of 10 Hz
Pepelyshev, Yu. N. - Dynamics of the IBR-2M Reactor at a Power Pulse Repetition Frequency of 10 Hz

Автор: Pepelyshev, Yu. N.
Nuclear Engineering and Technology [Electronic resource]: Dynamics of the IBR-2M Reactor at a Power Pulse Repetition Frequency of 10 Hz
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Автор: Pepelyshev, Yu. N.
Nuclear Engineering and Technology [Electronic resource]: Dynamics of the IBR-2M Reactor at a Power Pulse Repetition Frequency of 10 Hz
ISBN отсутствует
Pepelyshev, Yu.N.
Dynamics of the IBR-2M Reactor at a Power Pulse Repetition Frequency of 10 Hz / Yu.N.Pepelyshev, D.Sumkhuu // Nuclear Engineering and Technology [Electronic resource]. – 2023. – Vol.55, No.9. – P.3326-3333. – URL: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.net.2023.04.039. – Bibliogr.:16.
The results of the analysis of a mathematical modeling for the IBR-2M pulsed reactor dynamics for a transition from a power pulse repetition frequency of 5 Hz–10 Hz are presented. The change in the amplitude response of the reactor for variable pulse delayed neutron fraction was studied. We used a set of power feedback parameters determined experimentally in 2021 at an energy output of 1820 MW·day. At a pulse repetition frequency of 10 Hz, the amplitude of pulse energy oscillations significantly depends on the value of the delayed neutron fraction in pulse . Depending on both suppression and amplification of reactor power fluctuations in the frequency ranges of 0.05–0.20 and 1.25–5.00 Hz can be realized.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 348 в - Исследовательские ядерные реакторы на тепловых, промежуточных и быстрых нейтронах. Импульсные реакторы
Бюллетени = 5/024
Pepelyshev, Yu.N.
Dynamics of the IBR-2M Reactor at a Power Pulse Repetition Frequency of 10 Hz / Yu.N.Pepelyshev, D.Sumkhuu // Nuclear Engineering and Technology [Electronic resource]. – 2023. – Vol.55, No.9. – P.3326-3333. – URL: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.net.2023.04.039. – Bibliogr.:16.
The results of the analysis of a mathematical modeling for the IBR-2M pulsed reactor dynamics for a transition from a power pulse repetition frequency of 5 Hz–10 Hz are presented. The change in the amplitude response of the reactor for variable pulse delayed neutron fraction was studied. We used a set of power feedback parameters determined experimentally in 2021 at an energy output of 1820 MW·day. At a pulse repetition frequency of 10 Hz, the amplitude of pulse energy oscillations significantly depends on the value of the delayed neutron fraction in pulse . Depending on both suppression and amplification of reactor power fluctuations in the frequency ranges of 0.05–0.20 and 1.25–5.00 Hz can be realized.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 348 в - Исследовательские ядерные реакторы на тепловых, промежуточных и быстрых нейтронах. Импульсные реакторы
Бюллетени = 5/024