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Электронный каталог: Adzhemyan, L. Ts. - Stability of *f*4-Vector Model: Four-Loop *e Expansion Study
Adzhemyan, L. Ts. - Stability of *f*4-Vector Model: Four-Loop *e Expansion Study
Автор: Adzhemyan, L. Ts.
Physical Review E [Electronic resource]: Stability of *f*4-Vector Model: Four-Loop *e Expansion Study
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Автор: Adzhemyan, L. Ts.
Physical Review E [Electronic resource]: Stability of *f*4-Vector Model: Four-Loop *e Expansion Study
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Adzhemyan, L.Ts.
Stability of *f*4-Vector Model: Four-Loop *e Expansion Study / L.Ts.Adzhemyan, A.Kudlis // Physical Review E [Electronic resource]. – 2023. – Vol.107, No.2. – P.024133. – URL: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevE.107.024133. – Bibliogr.:29.
In most papers, φ4-field theory with the vector (d-component) field φα is considered as a particular case of the n-component field model for n=d and O(n) symmetry. However, in such a model the symmetry O(d) admits an addition to the action of a term proportional to the squared divergence of the field ∼h(∂αφα)2. From the point of view of renormalization group analysis, it requires a separate consideration, because it may well change the nature of the critical behavior of the system. Therefore, this frequently neglected term in the action requires a detailed and accurate study on the issue of the existence of new fixed points and their stability. It is known that within the lower order of perturbation theory the only infrared stable fixed point with h=0 exists but the corresponding positive value of stability exponent ωh is tiny. This led us to analyze this constant in higher orders of perturbation theory by calculating the four-loop renormalization group contributions for ωh in d=4−2ɛ within the minimal subtraction scheme, which should be enough to infer positivity or negativity of this exponent. The value turned out to be undoubtedly positive, although still small even in higher loops: 0.0156(3). These results cause the corresponding term to be neglected in the action when analyzing the critical behavior of the O(n)-symmetric model. At the same time, the small value of ωh shows that the corresponding corrections to the critical scaling are significant in a wide range.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 324.3 - Аксиоматическая теория поля. Аналитические свойства матричных элементов и дисперсионные соотношения. Разложение операторов вблизи светового конуса. Вопросы регуляризации и перенормировки. Размерная регуляризация$
Бюллетени = 1/023
Adzhemyan, L.Ts.
Stability of *f*4-Vector Model: Four-Loop *e Expansion Study / L.Ts.Adzhemyan, A.Kudlis // Physical Review E [Electronic resource]. – 2023. – Vol.107, No.2. – P.024133. – URL: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevE.107.024133. – Bibliogr.:29.
In most papers, φ4-field theory with the vector (d-component) field φα is considered as a particular case of the n-component field model for n=d and O(n) symmetry. However, in such a model the symmetry O(d) admits an addition to the action of a term proportional to the squared divergence of the field ∼h(∂αφα)2. From the point of view of renormalization group analysis, it requires a separate consideration, because it may well change the nature of the critical behavior of the system. Therefore, this frequently neglected term in the action requires a detailed and accurate study on the issue of the existence of new fixed points and their stability. It is known that within the lower order of perturbation theory the only infrared stable fixed point with h=0 exists but the corresponding positive value of stability exponent ωh is tiny. This led us to analyze this constant in higher orders of perturbation theory by calculating the four-loop renormalization group contributions for ωh in d=4−2ɛ within the minimal subtraction scheme, which should be enough to infer positivity or negativity of this exponent. The value turned out to be undoubtedly positive, although still small even in higher loops: 0.0156(3). These results cause the corresponding term to be neglected in the action when analyzing the critical behavior of the O(n)-symmetric model. At the same time, the small value of ωh shows that the corresponding corrections to the critical scaling are significant in a wide range.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 324.3 - Аксиоматическая теория поля. Аналитические свойства матричных элементов и дисперсионные соотношения. Разложение операторов вблизи светового конуса. Вопросы регуляризации и перенормировки. Размерная регуляризация$
Бюллетени = 1/023