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Электронный каталог: Calinescu, S. - Study of the Neutron-Rich Isotopes 43S and 46Ar Through Intermediate Energy Coulomb Excitation (II)
Calinescu, S. - Study of the Neutron-Rich Isotopes 43S and 46Ar Through Intermediate Energy Coulomb Excitation (II)

Книга (аналит. описание)
Автор: Calinescu, S.
Annual Scientific Conference 2013. Bucharest, Romania, June, 21-22, 2013: Study of the Neutron-Rich Isotopes 43S and 46Ar Through Intermediate Energy Coulomb Excitation (II)
ISBN отсутствует
Автор: Calinescu, S.
Annual Scientific Conference 2013. Bucharest, Romania, June, 21-22, 2013: Study of the Neutron-Rich Isotopes 43S and 46Ar Through Intermediate Energy Coulomb Excitation (II)
ISBN отсутствует
Книга (аналит. описание)
Calinescu, S.
Study of the Neutron-Rich Isotopes 43S and 46Ar Through Intermediate Energy Coulomb Excitation (II) / S.Calinescu, S.Lukyanov, Y.Penionzhkevich, [a.o.] // Annual Scientific Conference 2013. Bucharest, Romania, June, 21-22, 2013 : Program and Abstracts / [et al.] ; Ed.: A.Barborica, M.Bulinski, L.Ion. – Bucharest, 2013. – P.87-88.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 341.2в - Уровни ядер
Calinescu, S.
Study of the Neutron-Rich Isotopes 43S and 46Ar Through Intermediate Energy Coulomb Excitation (II) / S.Calinescu, S.Lukyanov, Y.Penionzhkevich, [a.o.] // Annual Scientific Conference 2013. Bucharest, Romania, June, 21-22, 2013 : Program and Abstracts / [et al.] ; Ed.: A.Barborica, M.Bulinski, L.Ion. – Bucharest, 2013. – P.87-88.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 341.2в - Уровни ядер