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Электронный каталог: Lashkevich, V. I. - Estimation of the Hadronic Contribution to Lepton Anomalous Magnetic Moments Based on the Analyti...
Lashkevich, V. I. - Estimation of the Hadronic Contribution to Lepton Anomalous Magnetic Moments Based on the Analyti...
Книга (аналит. описание)
Автор: Lashkevich, V. I.
Proceedings of the 28th Anniversary Seminar NPCS'2021 in memory of Prof. V.I. Kuvshinov, May 18-21, 2021, Minsk, Belarus: Estimation of the Hadronic Contribution to Lepton Anomalous Magnetic Moments Based on the Analyti...
ISBN отсутствует
Автор: Lashkevich, V. I.
Proceedings of the 28th Anniversary Seminar NPCS'2021 in memory of Prof. V.I. Kuvshinov, May 18-21, 2021, Minsk, Belarus: Estimation of the Hadronic Contribution to Lepton Anomalous Magnetic Moments Based on the Analyti...
ISBN отсутствует
Книга (аналит. описание)
Lashkevich, V.I.
Estimation of the Hadronic Contribution to Lepton Anomalous Magnetic Moments Based on the Analytic Approach in QCD / V.I.Lashkevich, O.P.Solovtsova, O.V.Teryaev // Nonlinear Dynamics and Applications = Нелинейная динамика и приложения. – Minsk : Pravo i Ekonomika, 2021-2022. - Vol.27 : Proceedings of the 28th Anniversary Seminar NPCS'2021 in memory of Prof. V.I. Kuvshinov, May 18-21, 2021, Minsk, Belarus : Fractals, Chaos, Phase Transitions, Self-organization / Ed.: V.A.Shaparau, A.G.Trifonov. – 2021. – p.291-300. – Bibliogr.:45.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 324.1д - Квантовая хромодинамика$
Lashkevich, V.I.
Estimation of the Hadronic Contribution to Lepton Anomalous Magnetic Moments Based on the Analytic Approach in QCD / V.I.Lashkevich, O.P.Solovtsova, O.V.Teryaev // Nonlinear Dynamics and Applications = Нелинейная динамика и приложения. – Minsk : Pravo i Ekonomika, 2021-2022. - Vol.27 : Proceedings of the 28th Anniversary Seminar NPCS'2021 in memory of Prof. V.I. Kuvshinov, May 18-21, 2021, Minsk, Belarus : Fractals, Chaos, Phase Transitions, Self-organization / Ed.: V.A.Shaparau, A.G.Trifonov. – 2021. – p.291-300. – Bibliogr.:45.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 324.1д - Квантовая хромодинамика$