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Электронный каталог: Gao, X.-Y. - Auto- and Hetero-Backlund Transformations for a Generalized Three-Coupled Korteweg-De Vries System
Gao, X.-Y. - Auto- and Hetero-Backlund Transformations for a Generalized Three-Coupled Korteweg-De Vries System

Автор: Gao, X.-Y.
Romanian Journal of Physics: Auto- and Hetero-Backlund Transformations for a Generalized Three-Coupled Korteweg-De Vries System
ISBN отсутствует
Автор: Gao, X.-Y.
Romanian Journal of Physics: Auto- and Hetero-Backlund Transformations for a Generalized Three-Coupled Korteweg-De Vries System
ISBN отсутствует
Gao, X.-Y.
Auto- and Hetero-Backlund Transformations for a Generalized Three-Coupled Korteweg-De Vries System / X.-Y.Gao, [et al.] // Romanian Journal of Physics. – 2021. – Vol.66, No.5/6. – p.110. – URL: https://rjp.nipne.ro//2021_66_5-6/RomJPhys.66.110.pdf. – Bibliogr.:78.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 133.2а - Нелинейные уравнения математической физики, солитоны
Gao, X.-Y.
Auto- and Hetero-Backlund Transformations for a Generalized Three-Coupled Korteweg-De Vries System / X.-Y.Gao, [et al.] // Romanian Journal of Physics. – 2021. – Vol.66, No.5/6. – p.110. – URL: https://rjp.nipne.ro//2021_66_5-6/RomJPhys.66.110.pdf. – Bibliogr.:78.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 133.2а - Нелинейные уравнения математической физики, солитоны