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Электронный каталог: Zinchenko, A. - Prospects for the Study of the Strangeness and Hypernuclei Production at NICA/MPD
Zinchenko, A. - Prospects for the Study of the Strangeness and Hypernuclei Production at NICA/MPD

Автор: Zinchenko, A.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series [Electronic resource]: Prospects for the Study of the Strangeness and Hypernuclei Production at NICA/MPD
ISBN отсутствует
Автор: Zinchenko, A.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series [Electronic resource]: Prospects for the Study of the Strangeness and Hypernuclei Production at NICA/MPD
ISBN отсутствует
Zinchenko, A.
Prospects for the Study of the Strangeness and Hypernuclei Production at NICA/MPD / A.Zinchenko, V.Kolesnikov, A.Mudrokh, V.Vasendina, V.Voronyuk // Journal of Physics: Conference Series [Electronic resource]. – 2019. – Vol.1390. – p.012017. – URL: https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/1390/1/012017. – Bibliogr.:7.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 345 а - Общие сведения о проектируемых и действующих ускорителях
Zinchenko, A.
Prospects for the Study of the Strangeness and Hypernuclei Production at NICA/MPD / A.Zinchenko, V.Kolesnikov, A.Mudrokh, V.Vasendina, V.Voronyuk // Journal of Physics: Conference Series [Electronic resource]. – 2019. – Vol.1390. – p.012017. – URL: https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/1390/1/012017. – Bibliogr.:7.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 345 а - Общие сведения о проектируемых и действующих ускорителях