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Электронный каталог: Proceedings of the 22nd International Workshop on Inelastic Ion Surface Collisions, Dresden, Germ...
Proceedings of the 22nd International Workshop on Inelastic Ion Surface Collisions, Dresden, Germ...
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research B: Proceedings of the 22nd International Workshop on Inelastic Ion Surface Collisions, Dresden, Germ...
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Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research B: Proceedings of the 22nd International Workshop on Inelastic Ion Surface Collisions, Dresden, Germ...
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Proceedings of the 22nd International Workshop on Inelastic Ion Surface Collisions, Dresden, Germany, 17-22 September 2017 // Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research B. – 2018. – Vol.423. – p.1-6, p.22-26, p.82-86. – URL: https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/nuclear-instruments-and-methods-in-physics-research-section-b-beam-interactions-with-materials-and-atoms/vol/423/suppl/C.
Индексный (книги) = С 342 б3 - Перезарядка тяжелых ионов в веществе
Географический = Dresden, Germany
Proceedings of the 22nd International Workshop on Inelastic Ion Surface Collisions, Dresden, Germany, 17-22 September 2017 // Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research B. – 2018. – Vol.423. – p.1-6, p.22-26, p.82-86. – URL: https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/nuclear-instruments-and-methods-in-physics-research-section-b-beam-interactions-with-materials-and-atoms/vol/423/suppl/C.
Индексный (книги) = С 342 б3 - Перезарядка тяжелых ионов в веществе
Географический = Dresden, Germany