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Электронный каталог: Diallo, S. O. - Momentum and Energy Dependent Resolution Function of the ARCS Neutron Chopper Spectrometer at Hig...
Diallo, S. O. - Momentum and Energy Dependent Resolution Function of the ARCS Neutron Chopper Spectrometer at Hig...

Автор: Diallo, S. O.
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A: Momentum and Energy Dependent Resolution Function of the ARCS Neutron Chopper Spectrometer at Hig...
ISBN отсутствует
Автор: Diallo, S. O.
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A: Momentum and Energy Dependent Resolution Function of the ARCS Neutron Chopper Spectrometer at Hig...
ISBN отсутствует
Diallo, S.O.
Momentum and Energy Dependent Resolution Function of the ARCS Neutron Chopper Spectrometer at High Momentum Transfer: Comparing Simulation and Experiment / S.O.Diallo, [et al.] // Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A. – 2016. – Vol.835. – p.34-41. – URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.nima.2016.08.027. – Bibliogr.:42.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 344.1л - Нейтронные детекторы. Спектрометры. Монохроматоры
Diallo, S.O.
Momentum and Energy Dependent Resolution Function of the ARCS Neutron Chopper Spectrometer at High Momentum Transfer: Comparing Simulation and Experiment / S.O.Diallo, [et al.] // Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A. – 2016. – Vol.835. – p.34-41. – URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.nima.2016.08.027. – Bibliogr.:42.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 344.1л - Нейтронные детекторы. Спектрометры. Монохроматоры